Jan 21 – MCCC Worship, GC Devotional, Vaccine registry

Church Family,
This week we will be exploring the passage when Jesus called his disciples to fish for people. What does Jesus do to prepare the disciples? What does it follow Jesus’ call? We will have music from Jan Green and a communion meditation from Mary Ellen!
When the YouTube link becomes available I will send it out.
If you would like to join us for our Zoom Worship and Fellowship at this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3887011421?pwd=THN5TFhyR2ZrNWxXM2RudGtka05Ldz09
Meeting ID: 388 701 1421
Passcode: 1111
Get Centered Devotional
In the Get Centered Devotional this week I read a portion of Dr. Martin Luther King’s “Love Your Enemies” sermon delivered in November 1957. It is challenging and helpful as we navigate the turbulent social and political time we live in. With the election/inauguration behind us, there certainly needs to be healing and re-framing how we see one another. Dr. King’s words are powerful in this regard! https://youtu.be/pMcDoQjoHuo
Vaccine Registry
The Portage County Health Department has put out a survey to get information about vaccinations for the first few groups. Hopefully you are considering taking the vaccine as it becomes available to you. As soon as I am able to take the vaccine…I will! This will be critical for us to feel safe re-engaging in the world and for gathering together as a congregation. The health department is able to answer any questions you have…stay informed! https://www.portagecounty-oh.gov/portage-county-health-district
God’s blessings be with you and do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have a need.