MCCC Baptism – September 2021
Below is information about our Pastor’s Class for 2021. In our church, there are a number of young people in the age range of 5-8th grade that may have interest in getting baptized, as well as some adults who may have interest. I offer a “Pastor’s Class” to help those interested learn more about what baptism is and what it might mean for their faith journey. Please see below and let me know if you have any questions!
Please let me know by email or phone if you or a family member has interest! I design the class based on the number of people I have and their ages. I also have met with families/individuals individually if that is more comfortable for you. The hope would be that we would meet for classes in the last few weeks of August and have a baptism service in September at the river!
Looking forward to hearing from you and preparing for this special occasion in our church!
Peace, Chad
Pastor’s Class 2021: Mantua Center Christian Church
Information for Parents/Guardians/those Interested
“Pastor’s Class” is basically “Christianity 101” and “Disciples of Christ Heritage 101” and is the class youth go through in our tradition to prepare for baptism. All are welcome, however, regardless of age. If you are interested you can take it one-on-one with Pastor Chad or in a small group
People ~10 years old who have never been baptized. Disciples’ churches vary by tradition, but once a young woman or young man reaches the “age of reason” they are given the opportunity to decide for themselves whether they want to be baptized into the body of faith and to fully dedicate their life to Jesus Christ. If there are other people below that age that haven’t been baptized, but have a desire, they are welcome to talk to Pastor Chad about joining the class. If you have been baptized but would like to have a “Baptismal Renewal or Reaffirmation” please talk to Pastor Chad.
Days and times in late August, TBD. Baptism date in September TBD.
Cell: 330-569-4926 [email protected]
During this pandemic and season of difficulty, I may get back to you later than usual. Please extend as much grace as you can and I’ll return your email as soon as possible. God’s peace and blessings be with you.
“What does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8
“Open Minds, Open Hearts, Open Arms”
Rev. Chad Delaney – Senior Pastor
Mantua Center Christian Church
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
4118 State Route 82/P.O. Box 550
Mantua, OH 44255
(330) 274-8258
cell: (330) 569-4926