MCCC Weekly Update – July 26, 2021

We hope you will plan to attend our MCCC Loaves & Fishes Community Meal this Thursday, July 29th from 5-6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall! Modifications will be made to help ensure the safety of all – so things may look a little different. Check out the Community Events for the details! We are excited to have the return of our dinner since the “shut down” due to COVID-19.
Also, just a reminder that the Delaney’s are on vacation until August 15th. Please keep them in your prayers for safe travels and much needed rest! In their absence, if you need any assistance, please let me know!
Blessings to you all,
~ What’s Happening This Week?
Mon 7/26: none
Tue 7/27: No Life Studies during the summer
Wed 7/28: none
Thu 7/29: 5-6:30pm Loaves & Fishes Free Community Meal
Fri 7/30: none
Sat 7/31: none
Sun 8/1: 9:30am Worship in the Sanctuary, On the Lawn, and/or on YouTube Live
~ SMILE TEAM – At It Again!

The Smile Team is AT IT AGAIN to help out teachers and kids in our community!
Through the support of area businesses, we will be placing bins in various locations in Mantua to collect school supplies. Items needed so far are:
- Crayons
- pencils
- highlighters
- glue sticks
- loose leaf notebook paper
- 1” 3-ring binders
- folders
- paper towels
- clorox wipes
- kleenex
Sometime next week we will be placing these collection bins at the following locations:
- Jake’s Restaurant
- Jake’s Market
- J&J Sales
- Advanced Rehab
- Crooked River Flowers
- Mama Light’s Eats
- Bilbury & Co.
Let’s help out our Crestwood Teachers & Students!
Community Events
7/29/21 Loaves & Fishes FREE Community Meal (click for more…)
MCCC Loaves & Fishes FREE community meal resumes on Thursday, July 29th from 5-6:30pm. The dinner will be held in the Fellowship Hall.
Please know that modifications will be made to help ensure the safety of all. The menu will be:
- Sloppy Joes
- Macaroni Salad
- Jello Salad
- Dessert of Brownies
- Drinks: Lemonade, Water, Coffee
If you have any questions, please contact Carolin Newell at (330) 606-7125.
This is a FREE community meal. Donations are accepted.
8/13/21 Skip’s Music Jam on 8/13 (click for more…)
“Skips Music Jam” will be held August 13th from 6-8pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Feel free to bring your fiddles, guitars, banjos, mandolins, flutes, dulcimers, etc and join in the fun . . . or just stop by & listen!
Any questions? Contact Skip Schweitzer at 330-562-9801.
ICYMI (in case you missed it 😉
~ Note from the Secretary (click for more…)
If any of you know of MCCC events or community events that should be publicized in our weekly newsletter, please send the information to me by Saturday evening at [email protected].
Delaney Vacation!
The Delaney Family will be on vacation through August 15th. If you have any pastoral needs, please contact either of our Elder Co-Chairs, Katie Baird (330) 285-8537 or Liz Meeker (330) 283-4630.
If you have any questions or need other help, feel free to contact Sandi Kossick (330) 607-7003.
~ 4C’s NEEDS still time to donate (click for more…)
The items needed for this month are:
- Tuna Helper
- Sloppy Joe Sauce
- Black Tea
- Laundry Detergent
If you are able, please consider helping us feed our community in need by adding what you can of these items to your monthly shopping list. No donation is too small! ONE item, combined with others, feeds MANY!
The 4C’s drive-thru distribution hours are Mondays 4-6pm, and Wednesdays & Fridays 1- 3pm.
Volunteers are needed.
Call 330-274-3310 if you can help!
Monetary donations may be sent to:
The 4C’s, P.O. Box 227, Mantua, OH 44255
~ Living the Resurrection Worship Service (click for more…)
On August 15th, we will have a special presentation during the worship service during the time for the sermon. We would like to follow up on the Living the Resurrection theme introduced after Easter.
We would like 3 people from the congregation who would be willing to speak for about 5 minutes each about an
experience they had related to living the resurrection (it can come from the jar suggestions or not) – something that moved them, changed them, or was rewarding. If you feel so moved to participate, please contact Joy Wyatt via text/call at 216-870-8290 or email at [email protected].
~ Worship Options (click for more…)
We are SO BLESSED that we can offer three options to gather together for worship on Sunday. You may choose:
- inside the church,
- outside on the lawn (listen),
- YouTube live
Whichever way you decide to worship, we wish you a very blessed and meaningful service.
If you have any questions, please contact Jon Secaur, Gathering Team Chair, at: [email protected]