MCCC Weekly Events – 2/28/22

Greetings to you ALL!
The weather is chilly/cold today, but how very grateful I am to enjoy the beauty of the sunshine! The warmth coming through the windows, and the sound of birds chirping is a reminder that God is at work preparing for spring! Hallelujah!! I’m probably jumping the gun . . . but I am more than ready for warm weather to arrive!
Below you will find the Weekly Calendar of Events for MCCC & Community. Don’t forget that this Wednesday, March 2nd, is our Ash Wednesday service at 7pm, at MCCC. This is the start of Lent and I have added Chad’s Lent schedule in case you missed it previously. This schedule also outlines the book study that Chad will be leading (for MCCC and Hiram Christian Church) on Howard Thurman’s book, “Meditations of the Heart”. We will gather over Zoom from 7-8pm beginning March 9th and subsequent Wednesdays and I hope you will make some time to join in with our discussions! I’m looking forward to it and hope to see many of you there!
As Chad pointed out this week, Lent is a time when we prepare our hearts and minds for Holy Week and Easter. It is the perfect time to reset and reconnect with God. At this time, it is traditional for many of you to give up things like, social media (or some of it), sugar (oh no!), TV (really?), coffee or specialized drinks (hmmm?), candy (Yikes!), etc. Some of these might be hard decisions, however, Chad brought up a great point in his recent email that in addition to “giving up” something for Lent, you might also consider giving a donation to groups within the church (there are many who could use your support ie. Kids Weekend Meals, Gift of Love, Smile Team, etc.) or give a little extra to Week of Compassion as an outreach around the world. I was searching for another way to think about fasting for Lent, when a dear friend of mine (aka Laura Parker!) answered my prayers and shared something that Pope Francis said. I’d like to share his words with you as some inspiration while you consider how you might fast this Lent. He said:
- Fast from hurting words and say kind words.
- Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude.
- Fast from anger and be filled with patience.
- Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope.
- Fast from worries and have trust in God.
- Fast from complaints; contemplate simplicity.
- Fast from pressures and be prayerful.
- Fast from bitterness; fill your hearts with joy.
- Fast from selfishness and be compassionate.
- Fast from grudges and be reconciled.
- Fast from words; be silent and listen.
Perhaps select one or two of these suggestions for the next 40 days and maybe give a little financially each day to an organization or charity of your choice. OR, if you are unable to give financially, perhaps add in a moment of kindness each day – for the next 40 days – to someone in need! I think the combination is a great way to give of ourselves and reconnect with God during this special time.
I wish you all a very blessed and prayerful time as you decide how you may develop a closer connection with God!
P.S. Also, If you still want to order a “Full to the Brim” devotional, go to: Click on “Resources”, then select “Devotionals” in the drop-down box.