MCCC Weekly Update – 5/4/22

Below is a copy of our Weekly Calendar of Events for MCCC and Community, but I’d like to start off with a couple of reminders that are not included.
1) Please contact Pastor Chad if you are a youth in the congregation who might be interested in going on a mission trip this summer between July 3-10th. There is a minimal cost and would likely be in Dayton, Ohio to help with storm relief.
2) If you are interested in Baptism this year, contact Pastor Chad at 330-569-4926 or [email protected]
Other items coming up quickly are:
1) The Covenant Church in Garrettsville (High Street) are hosting their Free Dinner TONIGHT, May 3rd, from 5:30-7pm.
2) KWM Fill a Bag Event, partnered with Silver Creek Church in Aurora, begins it’s drive THIS SATURDAY, at 9am. See the attachment below to register and obtain more information, and PLEASE volunteer 2 hours of your time to help our communities with food needs if you are able!
3) Elder’s Meeting THIS SUNDAY, at 8:30am at MCCC.
4) Mother’s Day is THIS SUNDAY
Did you know that Mother’s Day has been around since the early 1900’s? Wow! That must be a LOT of flowers, candy, dinners, etc. given over so many years! Don’t get me wrong, I love to receive gifts just like you! But, sometimes the best gifts don’t come from all the glitz and glamour of the stores or the internet. Sometimes the best gifts are gifts from the heart! Unfortunately, I lost my mother 36 years ago, and there is probably not a day that goes by that I don’t wish I could have just one more hug or one more “I Love You” conversation with her. I’m sure many of you can relate. But on the positive side, two blessings came from her tragic loss: 1) to have a closer relationship with just my dad, and 2) to know that there are so many wonderful ladies who can “fill in” as a mother if you don’t have one. So on Mother’s Day 2022, set aside some time to really connect with your mom – or your “fill-in mom”. Maybe help her with a project, sit down for some great conversation, write a note or a card, or simply talk from your heart. Noone can replace your real mom, but don’t forget to recognize those who have been like a mom to you! What a blessing that God can provide these special people in our lives!
Thankful blessings to all those ladies (moms or “fill-in moms} who have helped us grow in life!