A Message From Pastor Chad – June 17, 2022

What a gift it has been to enjoy the warm weather and to see the green start to take over. The gift of life is all around us and a reminder that even when the dead of winter was getting us down, this is all confirmation that life was still stirring! A gift from God indeed.
Vision Update
This week I was excited to meet with Jon Secaur and Rick Painley (our Board Chair and Vice Chair) to begin some initial brainstorming and planning around our endemic re-visioning. The ideas were flowing and we will be excited to share the plan with you when the time comes. Please keep your church leadership in your prayers as we discern how to move forward in this process. A top priority is keeping the congregation and informed so everyone can be a part of it. We have already looked at the hard work we did in 2019 and want to adapt it and build off it. We hope this time will be filled with prayer, energy, creativity, and care for our congregation and our community.
Pastor Chad Travel
As you know, this week begins a stretch of travel for my family and I. Vacation is this week from June 19-26. After that I will be going to North Dakota for a worship rally with Pacific Island DOC churches, Mission Trip to Dayton with CYF youth, and Chi-Rho Camp! Most Sundays I will be here but during the week I will be traveling. Thank you for your amazing support as I have the privilege, opportunity, and joy of participating in these events! I am honored and blessed to represent our congregation in these capacities.
If you have any pastoral care emergencies please contact your Elder, your Elder Co-chairs MaryEllen and Drema, or get in touch with our secretary Sandi Kossick who will be able to direct you to the right place.
Camp Christian
Below is a wonderful update and message from Camp Christian about all the opportunities there this summer. Please check it out and pass it along to those who might be interested!
Prayer Requests:
– Camp Christian
– Uvalde, TX
– The President
– Ukraine and Russia conflict
– Prayers for Jessy and Doug as they move/travel
– Barb and Art Jackson
– Family waiting on test results
– Those suffering from anxiety and depression
– Rachel (Pam Baynes’ friend)
– Youth Mission Trip preparation
– Todd Henderson and his wife Alex had the baby. Keep them in prayers
– Racism in the United States
– People traveling for vacation
– Anonymous
– Kathy Hughes’ brother Mark diagnosed with Stage 4 prostate cancer
God’s blessings and peace be with you!

Summer Has Started But There Is Still Time To Register For Camp! |
–We know many of us, especially parents and students, were so busy getting things finalized for the end of the school year that we may have forgotten to register for one of our wonderful and inspiring Christian Church in Ohio camps, conferences, or retreat. After all the hustle and bustle slowed down and the dust settled, you may have thought to yourself,“Oh golly gee wilikers! It’s too late to register for camp!” Well guess what? IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO REGISTER FOR CAMP!!!While three events have passed (Spring Disciples Fellowship Retreat, Grandparents Camp, and Chi Rho Week 1) all of the other camps, conferences, and retreats are still accepting registrations. All of the registration forms for the various weeks of camp as well as the health and scholarship forms and information are linked directly through our Regional Church website at https://www.ccinoh.com/camp-christian/summer-programs/form-downloads-and-links.aspx. As with previous years, there are abundant scholarships available. We don’t want cost to ever be a reason someone doesn’t come to Camp. Scholarship forms are available on the same website. We have an opportunity for spiritual growth and faithful fun for people of ALL AGES! Our remaining 2022 Summer Church Camp Season includes: Ribbit Camp: July 6th – 9th at Camp Christian For 2nd graders & also include 3rd & 4th graders (Spring 2022) whose parents want a shorter camp experience for their children Otter Camp: June 26th – July 2nd at Camp Christian For 5th graders and those in 3rd and 4th grades (Spring 2022) ready for a full-week of camp Chi Rho Camp: July 10th-16th at Camp Christian For Youth who will finish 6th, 7th, or 8th grade this Spring (2022): CYF Conference: 2 OPTIONS – June 19th-25th OR July 17th-23rd at Camp Christian For Youth who will finish 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade this Spring (2022) Note: It does not matter where you live or what church you attend, you can sign up for whichever week fits best into your schedule. Advance Ministries Summer Conference: July 24th – 31st at Camp Christian For all adults ages 19 to 30 (at least 1 year out of high school.) Adult Conference: June 27 – July 1, 2022 – Held at Northwest Christian Church, Columbus For adults of all ages For specific information on Adult Conference go to: https://www.ccinoh.com/ministries/adult/adult-conference.aspxDisciples Fellowship Retreat (DFR): Labor Day Weekend, September 2nd – 4th, 2022 For specific information on DFR go to https://www.ccinoh.com/ministries/adult/disciples-fellowship.aspx Aren’t you so relieved to know that you haven’t missed the chance to sign up for an incredible opportunity for fun and friendship, Bible Study and worship, singing and s’mores, ping pong and grilled cheese sandwiches, long talks and long walks with mentors and sages? Relax! Take a deep breath, and follow the link to sign up today! We look forward to seeing all of you at one of our camps, conferences, or retreats, either at beautiful Camp Christian or Northwest Christian Church, this summer, so please share these forms with anyone and everyone you know who may be interested in coming to camp! See you soon! P.S. Oh, and you don’t have to be a member of a Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) congregation, or really any church, to attend one of our summer camps, conferences, or retreats. So please invite your neighbors, coworkers, and even the postal carrier! |
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