MCCC Weekly Update – June 13, 2022

Below is a copy of our Weekly Calendar which also includes the items needed for the Youth Mission trip July 3-9. Please check it out and help out the kids if you are able! I assure you it will be APPRECIATED!
In case you missed it during the service yesterday, Pastor Chad and family will be on vacation through Sunday, June 26th. I have noted in the calendar who is available to contact in case pastoral care is needed. You may also feel free to contact me and I will assist you in any way I can!
A special shout-out to Shelly Poots for her contributions with her pictures of our beloved church! Hope you enjoy my current selection in our calendar!
Last Sunday was bitter-sweet as we said “farewell” to Doug and Jessy Rice. If you weren’t able to make it to church, please take a moment to watch the YouTube video – it was heartwarming! Doug even surprised himself as he emotionally spoke to the congregation about all he and Jessy have learned by being a part of MCCC, and how much their faith has changed and grown. Clearly this was not an easy decision for either of them, and I’m sure it took much soul searching. It is a new path – – a new beginning and that can sometimes be scary!
Likewise, take a moment to consider the high school graduates this year who are starting out on their own new “adventures.” I’m sure ALL of them are excited to be leaving high school . . . but what path will they choose beyond that? How many times may that path be diverted? I would venture to say that ALL of us have been in a position, at one time or another, to choose a different path and change course. I am reminded of the words of C.S. Lewis, “You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream.” Just remember to always let God be your guide through ALL your chosen paths! He will see you through! Amen!
Blessings to all!