MCCC Weekly Update – June 20, 2022

Greetings Church Family!
Below is the Weekly Calendar of Events for MCCC & Community. The highlights into next week are as follows:
- 4th for the 4C’s is this Sunday, June 26th. Items needed for June are: Applesauce, Coffee (instant or regular), and Canned Corn.
- Board Meeting Pot-Luck lunch is this Sunday, June 26th from 12-1pm. Everyone is welcome to attend!
- MARSI (Mantua Restoration Society) is sponsoring their brunch this Sunday, June 26th from 12-2pm at the old Mantua Center School. It is eat-in or take-out. Donations are gratefully received!
- Youth Mission Trip Donations are needed. Please see the calendar for the items needed. Please add the non-perishable donations to the baskets on the chancel this Sunday! Perishable items should be brought on July 3rd. The kids will truly appreciate your donations!
- Free Loaves & Fishes dinner is next Thursday, June 30th from 5-6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall at MCCC.
Cathy and Dale Ausperk have recently done a fabulous job by reorganizing our MCCC library in the Fellowship Hall. Cathy is asking for help to “Grow our Church Library” with some newer selections! Please take a moment to check out the article in the calendar and consider helping if you are able. What a great idea! Please keep in mind that you may sign out a book to read at any time!
I have also included an article about the upcoming Ox Roast Fair which will be July 15, 16, & 17. Their brochure is included below so you can have a schedule of events at your fingertips!
Please let me know if you would like to pass along any church or community news. Send all information to: [email protected]. Also, please keep the Delaney family in your prayers for safe travel and a restful vacation!
Blessings to all for a beautiful week,