On Saturday, July 16…
the Smile Team will be holding a Bake Sale at the Mantua Historical Society Flea Market. The sale is from 10am-2pm on the green in front of the church. (In the event of inclement weather, it will be moved inside the Civic Center). We are hoping to raise money to fund future projects, and we’d like to ask for your help with the following:
- Donations of baked goods, like cookies, brownies, cakes and pies. It would be helpful, but not essential, if you can package these and attach labels to identify the items. Also, if you can give us a “heads-up” before the event, indicating what you plan to bring, that will help us with planning for the sale.
- Next, we are looking for volunteers to work at the bake sale table. We can use volunteers anytime between 10-2 on the day of the sale.
We invite you to come to the sale, to check out the Flea Market and take home some delicious baked goods! If you have questions about the bake sale, or would like to volunteer in any way, or would like to coordinate delivery of bake sale items, please contact Becky Tipton at (216) 870-7039 (phone or text).
On Sunday, July 17th…
Dottie and Brian Summerlin will be leading our 5th Annual Day of Kindness, immediately after worship service in the Fellowship Hall. We will be returning to a “pre-pandemic”, in-person format! Everyone is invited to choose a project (or two!) in which to participate. The Smile Team will provide pizza for this event! The following is a list of this year’s projects:
- Blessing Bags (hygiene kits) to be delivered to Family & Community Services. *See below for a list of items that are needed.
- Sanding holding crosses
- Yard Clean-up – (Rick Painley will be sending out an email soon looking for volunteers!
- Prayer Shawls “How-to-Workshop”
- Cookies to the Fire Department and Police Station
- Writing cards to “shut-ins”
The following is a list of items that we will use to fill the Blessing Bags.**Note that only “complete” bags can be donated. Maybe team up with a friend to help fill a bag with all the items! It is helpful if all items are completed in each donated bag. Items must be sample size and fit in a GALLON SIZE ZIPLOC BAG. items can be gender-specific, adult and/or child.
- Toothpaste
- Toothbrush (individually packaged)
- Soap
- Shampoo & Conditioner
- Mouthwash
- Lotion
- Hand towel and/or washcloth
- Kleenex tissues (purse-sized packages)
- Deodorant
- Shaving cream
- Shaving utensils
If you have any questions about our Day of Kindness event, please contact Dottie Summerlin at
(440) 567-1403.
We are looking forward to these two events, and we hope you can participate in one or both!