MCCC Calendar of Events – Oct. 10, 2022
I am sending along our Weekly/Monthly Calendar so you have it by the start of the week. If you have any church or community events that should be advertised, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at: [email protected]. It is nearing the holiday season so we even have an extra event for November and December. There will be a few copies in the entrance to the church for tomorrow’s worship service.
On a side note . . . the Kids Weekend Meals “Bread Brigade” is asking for some volunteers to help out with purchasing 7 loaves of bread every 2 weeks, and delivering them to MCCC or to Liz Meeker. (Or we can make arrangements for pick-up.) If you feel you don’t have the physical time to purchase bread every two weeks, here’s a couple of ideas to think about:
1) You could pair up with a friend and only purchase 14 loaves ONCE A MONTH!
2) You could give a consistent pledge each month to help diffuse the cost for the group!
3) You could be a “sub” and fill in only once in a while if someone is on vacation or sick!
Please consider this wonderful and easy way to give of yourself for the benefit of others in the community. ALSO . . . please PASS THE WORD to family, friends, or anyone in the community who might be looking for a way to connect and help others. THANK YOU!
Blessings to you all!