Message from Pastor Chad – Beauty, Worship, and Re-Center Sunday
As some of you know our Board Chairs, Jon Secaur and Rick Painley, have been planning a gathering event for after church to discuss the mission and vision of our church. In 2019 we came up with 4 Priorities for action and they were delayed because of the pandemic. We want to bring those back before you AND to invite you into prayer, conversation, and discernment about how we move forward. The NEW day that we will discuss this is on All Saints Sunday, November 6th right after worship. That is also “fall back” Sunday in daylight savings time so we should all have a little extra in the tank! 🙂 Please mark it on your calendar and we hope to see all of you there to participate in this important Re-Centering discussion in our church.
October is here and autumn is in the air. The leaves are changing and there is so much beauty around us as the weather turns…soak it in! This month’s word is Beauty. In the messiness of life…where do you see the beauty God has provided us? As you come into worship there will be a canvas and markers, and this time with the word “Beauty” on it. Take a moment to write or draw something that reminds you of the beauty around us!
This Sunday is World Communion Sunday! World Communion Sunday is recognized by most Christian churches around the globe to remember that we all come to the Table that Sunday together. Though there is much that may divide in life and politics, we are all welcome to the Lord’s Table to receive the sacrament of Grace in the bread and cup. Please pray for the Body of Christ all over the world on this day.
In worship, we will take a look at the passage in Exodus 15 where Moses and Miriam lead the people in song and celebration. The timing is fascinating and invokes some interesting questions about the activity of God in the world. How do we interpret this passage of scripture and make sense of it for today? As always, take a look yourself and let the Spirit work in you to see what God might be saying to you.
May God’s grace and peace be with you this week and I look forward to being with you in worship!