MCCC Weekly Update – November 6th

I hope to see you all there for our “All Saints Sunday” service, and to also partake in our “Re-Centering Gathering” following worship! Jon Secaur and Rick Painley have been planning this important event, and it’s important to have input from ALL of you! There will also be refreshments provided by the Smile Team!!
* MARSI’S (Mantua Area Restoration Society, Inc.) new monthly event is now called “2nd Fridays”, and will be held on THIS FRIDAY, Nov. 11th from 3-6pm. It will continue to run on the 2nd Friday of the month until further notice. Please come out and enjoy a meal at the old Mantua Center School, or take-out is also available. Donations are gratefully welcomed!
* Elders . . . don’t forget that NEXT Sunday is your meeting at 8:30am!
* Chi-Rho members – please join us for some ice-skating fun NEXT Sunday at “The Pond” in Chagrin, from 12-2pm! Bring a friend and your family is also welcome!
I’d also like to mention we have 2 big events going on to help support Kids Weekend Meals! These events are ever so important since a lot of the “free” food that was received during Covid has stopped. We now have more families/children than ever to help feed on the weekends, so your support of the following events is so very appreciated.
1) Pete Pruszynski is holding a “Thanksgiving Plunge” at the lake at Todd & Cheryl Brugmann’s home. Feel free to “Take the Plunge” if you are brave enough! Or, stay warm …. and sponsor someone who is jumping in! Contact Pete at (330) 607-4102 for details! I have also attached the information below.
2) Also helping out Kids Weekend Meals is Nora Brant who has created a queen size Christmas Quilt and is raffling it off! This beautiful quilt is currently on display at Crooked River Florist in Mantua where you can purchase tickets. Tickets are $1 each, or 6 for $5. You can also purchase tickets from Nora Brant or Liz Meeker.
3) Another reminder is that The Mitten Tree is collecting items throughout the month of November! If you are able to help out with donations of new mittens, gloves, scarves, or hats/headbands, please bring them to church each Sunday in November! (There will be a bin in the entryway as well as the lower level outside entrance of the church). We welcome store bought OR hand made items!!
These donations will be given to the Kids Weekend Meals families, and any extras will be delivered to Children and Family Community Services in Ravenna, to be dispersed to those in need. Monetary Donations are also welcome. (Checks made out to MCCC with “Mitten Tree” in the memo line, and either placed in the collection plate, or mailed to: Liz Meeker, 4317 Parkwood Ave., Mantua, Oh 44255). We will also have a selection for the Mitten Tree set up to give online soon.
On a side note:
I realize that especially at this time of the year the church seems to be asking for lots of help, both physically and monetarily. In addition to our other fundraising activities, it is also “Pledge Time” and your pledges are VERY important to the Financial and Stewardship Teams to see where we are heading in 2023. MCCC members have historically been generous in their pledges as well as their help with activities at the church. I personally am proud to be part of that giving, and I know the leaders of the church are the MOST appreciative! I’d like to remind you of what Becky Tipton said as Worship Leader last Sunday. (I’m paraphrasing!) In this current economy, it may be more difficult to give monetarily, however, perhaps there are other things you can do! Do you have a special talent you can provide to the church? (ie baking for bake sales or the Craft Bazaar? Knitting or crocheting of prayer shawls, mittens, scarves, hats or headbands – throughout the year?) Are you good at organizing or helping someone organize an event? Do you have spare time to give? (Can you help out with delivering or participating with “Smile Team” bags of goodies? Can you help out to pack or deliver food for Kids Weekend Meals? Could you help with the “Mitten Tree” or “Day of Kindness?” Could you help collect funds for the “Thanksgiving Plunge”? Could you take flyers around town to spread the word of the Christmas Craft Bazaar or to advertise WE NEED HELP with the “Bread Brigade?” Could you fill in with making coffee when occasionally needed? Could you help by leading a children’s class after worship?) No matter how you help the church, you are worthy for EVERYTHING you do!
Think about this in November AND going into 2023. Take some reflective time and consider where YOU might be able to help with your TIME, TALENT, AND TREASURE!!
Blessings to you all as you prayerfully consider where you can help with your TIME, TALENT AND TREASURE!