A Message from Pastor Chad – Founder’s Day & Sabbatical

Today is a special day in the life of our church. On this very day in 1827, the “Church of the Disciples of Christ at Mantua” was founded by those who had a call and vision to share the Gospel in Mantua, Ohio. This Sunday, we will recall that very first event where our MCCC founders signed a document as a covenant with one another and with God and reflect on our own commitments today. Founder’s Day gives a chance to celebrate our past, present, and future together as a congregation. I hope you come to worship in-person or online and that you join us for a potluck at noon. Bring a dish to share and we look forward to welcoming all.
This last Wednesday we had a great group to share some MCCC and Disciples of Christ history. Steve Hurd (our resident church historian) shared lots of meaningful, interesting, and fun facts about our church history. If you didn’t know, we have had several church histories written and they are downstairs in the library in fellowship hall. The last one was written by Steve in 2002 and is a great read. Please check it out.
Together we talked about how, as Disciples, we don’t subscribe to any creeds. Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant churches usually recite the Nicene or Apostles Creed, but that was not something that Disciples churches have historically continued. One of our slogans passed around in the early 1800s was, “No creed but Christ, no book but the Bible, no law but Love” and it does characterize the Disciples of Christ mindset well. Disciples of today are not against the creeds, but do not ask people to subscribe to them. Instead, we are all invited to read the bible for ourselves and take our own journey of faith. It is my joy and privilege to accompany you along that journey and continue the legacy of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) at the Mantua Center Christian Church!
Sabbatical Planning
When I came to Mantua Center in 2008, one of the stipulations in our covenant was that every 7(ish) years I would take a Sabbatical leave. Sabbaticals are a strategic season of rest and re-connection with God and the hope is this helps nurture a sustainable call and ministry for both the pastor and congregation. Last year I was scheduled to take sabbatical, but I asked our leadership to wait until this year so that I could be present to help us transition back into the building post-pandemic. This year from May-August I will be on Sabbatical seeking the physical and spiritual renewal I need to continue on in ministry.
We have a Sabbatical Team put together by the Board to assist me in the planning — Brian Hurd, Katie Baird, and Nancy Humes. They have been so supportive and helpful! I’m excited, nervous, ready, and anxious all at the same time. Most of all I am EXTREMELY THANKFUL (overwhelmed really) at the intentionality, love, and support for the Sabbatical both financially and spiritually. Soon we will be giving you some more information about the Sabbatical and what it means for me and for the congregation. We have some special things in mind and hope this will be a renewing season for all. Stay tuned!
This Sunday, the Chi-Rho and CYF youth will gather at the SkyLanes bowling alley in Garrettsville from 4-6pm. Just $5 for 2 games, shoes, pizza, and pop. Looking forward to seeing the youth there!
God’s blessings be with you and looking forward to being with you in worship on Sunday!