ATTENTION All Ministry and Group Leaders!
As an update, our Re-Centering Facilitators have gotten together three times and have been processing all the information we received in our early November meeting. Together we discussed four priorities: Welcome, Communication, Connection, and Care and we are very excited to have the information consolidated and to get it in your hands soon. We want to present an overview to the Board this Sunday and then get it out to everyone.
One of the ideas that came out of the Communication priority is to bring back a form of announcements. Many people expressed the desire to know more about what is going on at MCCC and how to participate. Therefore, we want to give our Ministry Leaders a direct way to share about what is going on in their ministry.
Starting this Sunday (and weekly after), if you are a ministry leader or have a mission to invite people to, you will have the opportunity to come forward (if desired) during the Closing Hymn and make a line next to the microphone where the Elders speak to offer a 10-20 sec announcement right before the Benediction. The briefer the better, if possible. Of course, if you don’t have an announcement that is ok too — this will be a weekly opportunity to help increase communication in our church!
The idea is that we have all worshiped together and now is the time to go out into the world to make a difference… our ministry leaders will share with you ways to do that!
So if you are the leader of any group at MCCC and want to invite people to be a part of what you are doing or want to give an update on the mission being done, here’s your opportunity.
Thank you and there are more ideas to share and to experiment with coming soon!
If you have any questions about this please let me know!