A Message from Pastor Chad: Re-Centering, Children & Youth Minister, Quilt Trip, Hell & Heaven Study

As a congregation over the last year we have been seeking to return and re-imagine what ministry is like in this post-pandemic world. There have been many challenges and now there is some momentum to move forward with creativity and faith. Our Re-Centering facilitators have taken time to go over what we gleaned from our meeting in November and are looking forward to Sunday, Feb 12 after worship to share what we found. We also hope to engage everyone in conversation about practical ways we can live our mission out and invite people to participate. We will need lots of prayer and lots of participation to make this go!
Faith Formation Coordinator – Children, Youth, and Adult Christian Ed
One direct response to the Re-Centering conversation was to propose to the board a new position at MCCC–a Faith Formation Coordinator/Minister with an emphasis on the children’s ministry. The board approved the position and there is movement to finish the job description and get it out to the community. We hope God will send us someone passionate about children, youth, and Christian education. Please stay in prayer about this and stay tuned for more initiatives as we continue to Re-Center!
Sacred Ally Quilt
We have sent out information about the Sacred Ally Quilt Ministry that will be showing their quilts at the Family Life Center in Chagrin Falls. A group of us are going to the event if you want to join us. We will meet to carpool at the MCCC parking lot at 11:00am on Wednesday, Feb 8th, attend the event, and then go to Aladdin’s Eatery afterwards to have lunch and conversation. Please join us as we seek to learn, grow, and become more Pro-Reconciling and Anti-Racist Christians! (This “field trip” will be in place of our typical Wednesday gathering that afternoon.)
Life Study – Hell & Heaven – Wed, Feb 8 7:00pm
Last week at our evening Wednesday Life Study, we did an Intro to the Bible session and had a great time discussing the history, interpretation, and inspiration of the Bible. There was lots of interest expressed in going a little bit deeper into the topic of Hell & Heaven in the scriptures, so this week we will take a trip to both places (in the scripture!). There are lots of cultural beliefs about what Heaven & Hell are….but what does the Bible say? It may be different than we think. Join us on Wednesday evening, Feb 8th from 7-8:30(ish) to learn more.
Feb 19 – Week of Compassion – Consider what you might want to give to the refugee and natural disaster fund of the Christian Church (DOC) – www.weekofcompassion.org
Feb 22 – Ash Wednesday
Feb 26 – First Sunday in Lent
This Sunday we will read a wonderful and challenging passage from 1 Samuel about Hannah. Together we will reflect on the promises we make and what commitment we have to fulfill them. Looking forward to being with you in worship!
Peace in Christ,