MCCC Message from Pastor Chad – Week of Compassion & Lent Schedule

This Sunday we are recognizing and celebrating the Week of Compassion. Everyday people all over the world are experiencing some form of political, economic, or environmental disaster. The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and all our ecumenical partners believe and try to live out what the Apostle Paul said in his first letter to the Corinthians,
“If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honoured, all rejoice together with it.” (1 Cor 12:26). Whether it is an earthquake, a tornado, flood, or refugee crisis, the Week of Compassion is responding in ways that bring hope, justice, and love to every corner of the earth. Last year, we heard about the work done in Dayton, OH because of the Week of Compassion and had two mission trips there. The WoC works with people all over the world and right in our own backyard! Info about Week of Compassion is below and please consider what you might give as an offering to help those in need. This Sunday, you can make a check out to MCCC and put in the memo “Week of Compassion”. You can also continue to collect coins or donate on the website. When you bring the coin boxes back you can set them on the communion table or place them in the offering. We’ll complete that collection on March 19th! Thank you ahead of time for your extraordinary generosity!
Lent 2023 – Seeking: Honest Questions for Deeper Faith
This year our Lent theme through Sanctified Art is “Seeking: Honest Questions for Deeper Faith.” The theme this year invites all of us to engage in an introspective and reflective Lent through concentration on seeking God with all are hearts, minds, and souls. Many of us grew up singing in church and camp “Seek Ye First” and that is what we will try to do through this season. Please see the document below that contains important information about the theme and our schedule for the season. Everything begins on Wednesday, Feb 22nd at MCCC for our Joint Ash Wednesday Service. Our sister churches — Hiram and Hilltop — will be joining us to observe this symbolic and meaningful service to remind us that “from dust we have been made and to dust we shall return.” Lent gives us a chance to re-focus our hearts to love God and love neighbor. To think what is getting in the way of our relationship with God. To take actions of kindness, mercy, and generosity in the likeness of Jesus. Let’s walk with Jesus and think about (and ask) honest questions for a deeper faith in Christ!
This Sunday, we will look at a wonderful passage in the book of Lamentations to reflect on the hurt in the world and the hope that God brings to us. As we observe the Week of Compassion we can think together how we might exhibit more love and compassion in the world around us. I’m very much looking forward to being in worship with you this Sunday and for the season of Lent that is just around the corner. God bless you and see you soon!
** If you would ever like to meet with me or schedule a visit…please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Email me here or call/text at 330-569-4926. My door is open.
“Week of Compassion is more than a week. It is a ministry of the whole Church, reaching those in need “around the world, around the year.” Any time we respond to a need in the world, we bear witness to the unity of our table, faithfully sharing the gifts that we have as an expression of Christ’s love. In working together with partners, we represent the Disciples of Christ commitment to unity, making our resources reach farther and growing our impact on a global scale.
As the relief, refugee, and development mission fund of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Week of Compassion works with partners to alleviate suffering throughout the world.
A world where God’s people transform suffering into hope.
Core Values
CONNECTION Partner with individuals, congregations, and organizations to serve the needs of the world
INTEGRITY Honor the commitment to faithful stewardship, ensuring gifts entrusted to Week of Compassion are making the most impact
ACCOMPANIMENT Embody God’s grace by committing to a long-term presence with communities in need”