MCCC Weekly Update – March 5, 2023

Hello Church Family,
Hope you are all staying warm and dry inside tonight! Not sure what tricks Mother Nature has in store for us . . . but I am personally more than ready for spring to come SOON! Please note that I have started including our Weekly Calendar of Events along with the Sunday information to help cut down on the number of emails you receive from me! I will still send out a revised Ongoing Prayer List in a separate email.
For those who signed up for our “Dinner for 8” please meet at the church THIS SATURDAY, March 4th, at 5pm. We will have appetizers from 5-6pm and find out where we will be going for dinner and who our dinner partners will be! What a unique way to enjoy each other’s company and perhaps get to know one another a little better! I can’t wait — it is sure to be a fun evening for all!
Also, “Hot off the Press” . . . we just received the 2023 Easter Flower Order Form from Burton Floral! I have attached our MCCC form on this email and ask that you return the form and your payment NO LATER THAN SUNDAY, MARCH 26TH. I have extended this date as far as I can, so orders received after March 26th will not be included. Mark your calendars and get them to me as soon as possible – details are on the attached form. Also, please print any details very clearly!
Other events coming up this week are:
- Tues. 3/7 Story Time from 10:30-11:30am, for any preschoolers and accompanying adults who would like some fun and creative time together!
- Wed. 3/8 Daytime Fellowship from 1:30-2:45pm, and Life Study from 7-8:30pm. Join in some enlightening conversations with either of these groups!
- Fri. 3/10 our Worship Team will be having a Zoom meeting at 9:30am. Don’t forget!
- Sat. 3/11 – TURN YOUR CLOCKS AHEAD 1 HOUR BEFORE GOING TO BED! (Daylight Savings time arrives at 2am Sunday morning)
- Sun. 3/12 – Elder’s Meeting 8:30am! (Again . . . we lose 1 hour on Sunday . . . don’t be late!!)
- Sun. 3/19 – Deadline for collecting coins/donations for Week of Compassion. Feel free to bring your coin boxes in any time before March 19th and place it by the communion table! Get your family involved!
On this 2nd Sunday in Lent, Pastor Chad will be joined by Sally Hoffman as Worship Leader, Sandi Kossick who will lead us through Communion, and Sarah Park who will fill our sanctuary with her beautiful music! Hope to see you all there!
As we begin our 2nd week in Lent, I want to also remind you that we have FREE Lent Devotionals available to you if you would like one. They are located in the large basket in the Narthex. Sanctified Art has again created this Devotional with so many thoughts for you to absorb and consider! If you can’t come to church and would like one, please let me know (respond to this email) and I will be happy to drop one off to you. We don’t want to miss anyone who would like one!
Blessings to you all, and hope to see you Sunday!