MCCC Weekly Updates & Event – August 20, 2023

Last week the Challenge of the Week was to “Share your faith” with someone. For our 9th Challenge of the Week, I’m now suggesting that you “Consider the ways YOU walk each day by faith!” I am betting that there are many instances you had not really thought about that you do every day solely by walking each day by faith, not by sight! Hope you take a moment and get back to me with your thoughts!
This week we will look forward to hearing our sermon and Children’s Moment by Pam Auble! Her sermon title is “Walk by Faith” and . . . our Special Music Selection will be performed by Ryan & Karly Lind, and Beth Schabel! Ironically, the title of their song is “Walk by Faith.” (I think we definitely have a theme going here!) Along with Pam, we will have Liz Meeker as our Worship Leader. (Let us pray she makes it to church safely – she has been a bit accident prone this week! lol! Please keep her in your prayers for healing! Our Communion segment will be led by Rev. Nancy Humes and Brian Hurd, We also look forward to hearing our music selections by our talented pianist Sarah Park. She makes it look so easy!
A few reminders and new items to mention:
1) The Scholarship deadline is this Sunday, Aug. 20th. If you wanted to apply for a scholarship and haven’t yet, tomorrow is the deadline. Get it in TODAY!!
2) PLEASE check out the Weekly Calendar that is attached to this email. We have an important notice from the 4C’s that needs your consideration. The 4C’s are currently in dire need of some volunteers. It is only once a month and only a 2-hour shift. Do check the ad in the Weekly Calendar and see if you could spare just 2 hours a month! Call Kathy Hughes with any questions or to volunteer: (216) 598-0716, or email Kathy at: [email protected].
3) Our Board Meeting is today from 12-1pm. Everyone is ALWAYS welcome to attend!
On a side note . . .
I will be on vacation from Monday, August 28th and will return on Monday, September 18th. The next Weekly Calendar you receive will have the entire month of September including all the ads that have been given to me. If you know of an event coming up that I don’t have details for, please send it to me by this Wednesday, August 30th in order for it to be included before I go on vacation. The next September Calendar will be the only one you will receive until the start of October. As updates from Chad come in, please be sure to mark them on your calendar so you don’t miss any events. While I am gone, Sue & Steve Hurd will be monitoring my email accounts and will be doing the bulletins. I thank them IMMENSELY for taking this on and for planning for it ahead of time. I am very grateful to be given this gift of time away! Time will tell if I will actually be able to stay disengaged from the church! lol!
I wish you all a beautiful weekend and upcoming week. Listen to the service tomorrow (either online or in-house) and then consider this week “the ways you walk each day by faith.” Let me know!
Blessings to all,