Message from Pastor Chad – Wednesday Studies beginning and World Communion

I hope you all are having a fabulous weekend so far and finding ways to get outdoors and enjoy the weather while it lasts!
Deepening Faith through Christian Education
This week I want to invite you to take part of the various fellowship and bible study groups in our church. At Mantua Center, we value ways we can get together and dive deeply into our own understanding of faith and the bible. This week we begin our Wednesday studies that only add to the opportunities. Remember, you are always welcome to join in any time even if you can just drop in for a week or two. All are welcome!
Sunday Mornings (right after worship):
– Life 101 (facilitated by Carol Buzbee) – a fellowship group and supportive community to talk about life issues and how we can live out our faith
– Seeking Enlightenment (facilitated by Nancy Humes) – a discussion group earnestly seeking “faith through understanding” by looking at the biblical story and various theological topics.
– Bible and Beyond (facilitated by Jon Secaur) – a study group digging into the biblical story (currently the Gospel of Mark), discovering new ways of looking at it, and applying it to contemporary life.
Wednesday Afternoons (1:15-2:30p) and Evenings (7-8:30pm)
– Dwelling in the World (facilitated by Pastor Chad) – 1:15-2:30pm A fellowship and bible study group looking at a future scripture reading to be preached on in worship. We “check-in” on how things are going with each person and then have a time of open reflection, questions, and ideas around the scripture reading. You are welcome to bring a craft project to work on while we discuss!
– Life Study (various facilitators, currently Jon Secaur) – A study group that meets every Wednesday evening from 7:00-8:30pm to have discussion on a wide variety of biblical, theological, and contemporary issues relevant to our lives today. Great discussion and all are welcome.
THIS SUNDAY – World Communion and Youth Mission Trip Sunday
This Sunday we welcome our Youth Mission Trip participants to lead in worship to tell us about their trip to Charleston, WV. The youth and adults really appreciate all the love and support from MCCC and would love to share the learnings and joys of the trip with the congegation.
We will also be celebrating World Communion Sunday (description below from Global Ministries) and recognizing that we come to the Lord’s Table with people from all over the world. Together we seek to live and serve as ONE in the likeness of Jesus Christ.
To celebrate World Communion Sunday you are invited to bring a kind of bread to put on the Communion Table and/or to bring some jams/jellies to share in our fellowship hour after worship. Any kind of bread (homemade or store-bought) is welcome!
May God bless you and keep you and I look forward to seeing you in worship tomorrow!