From Pastor Chad – Inspiration in KC

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend Northeast Ohio. I traveled to Kansas City this week with the New Church Ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). I was asked to come and help lead workshops on coaching and to do group coaching with some of our denomination’s newest leaders…it was an inspirational experience!
There were around 30 folks from around the country learning leadership skills and developing deep spiritual practices. Developing a new church is hard work and they all need our prayers and support. I am grateful for the leadership of Rev. Dr. Jose Martinez who is inviting these new pastors to dream big and think outside the box.
There was a diverse group of leaders: younger, older, black, Latino, white, queer, male, female, and non-binary. Many looking to start innovative churches to reach different kinds of people. It was awesome to hear the new ideas and feel their creative energy. It was powerful to worship together and reflect on scripture.
Thank you for your support as I serve our General church in this way. Also…..I REALLY enjoyed some Kansas City BBQ! I’ve attached some pics from my experience.
This Sunday we wlll be looking at a passage in 1 Peter 5 and thinking about what attacks us and tries to move us off track. How do we resist? Looking forward to seeing you Sunday!
Peace, Chad