MCCC Message from Pastor Chad – Celebrating Len!

This week, as we prepare for his memorial, I’ve been thinking a lot about Pastor Len. Len was our friend, pastor, and brother-in-Christ who meant a lot to our community here at Mantua Center. I’m thankful for all the Elders, Worship Team, and volunteers who have stepped up to extend our love and hospitality to the Malottes as they come Saturday to honor and remember their beloved. Please know that after the service there will be a luncheon to share stories and memories of Len. **If you have a memory or story to share about Len but can’t be there (or uncomfortable up front) please feel free to send it to me via email and I will be glad to share it. It always heartens the family to hear how much someone has meant to their church community. The family appreciates all your support, prayers, and desserts!
Please know that next week from Monday to Friday I will be in Kansas City to lead a workshop on coaching for the New Church Ministry of the Christian Church (DOC). I am looking forward to being with new pastors around the country for their New Church Academy and to share with them what clergy coaching might look like for them. I have been coaching clergy for several years now through NCM and it is a great way to give back and support our denominational leaders. Please keep me in your prayers and–though I will be out of town–if you need to speak with me or email me, please feel free to reach out. I am happy to have a phone call or Zoom call as well (if needed). Either way, I won’t miss a Sunday and will see you then!
NEXT WEEK there will be no Wednesday Dwelling in the World or Life Study! Both will pick back up the next week when I return.
This Sunday, we will explore a passage in Acts 10 that shares an interesting series of events in the life of the early church. Who is welcome in the community and who is not? Who would we want to include or exclude? What is God doing in our midst? All these questions were pertinent to the ancient church and, of course, to ours today! I’m looking forward to being with you in worship on Sunday.
Below is the prayer for today from “World in Prayer.” As the conflict and violence continue in the world, may we remember all in prayer and consider what we might be able to do to alleviate suffering in our part of the world.
God’s Grace and Peace be with you,