A Message from Pastor Chad – A Day at MCCC

Thursday was a wonderful day at MCCC. Here are four things that happened that I want to share with you:
1. Meeting with the Health Department: I had a chance to meet with the Portage County Health Commissioner (Joe Diorio) and the Community Health Director (Becky Lehman) who wanted to visit with us to see how their public health work might intersect with our ministry in the Crestwood area. Several ideas emerged for partnership that would give more opportunity for people in our area to receive services. I will share more later as details emerge!
2. Mission Encounter: As I gave the tour to the Health Department guests, it was wonderful to share with them about the work of Kid’s Weekend Meals, Clothing Giveaway, StoryTime, and Loaves and Fishes. While we were talking a volunteer from Kid’s Weekend Meals was getting their bags to deliver and our guests had a chance to talk with her and learn more about KWM. They were amazed about what our size church is doing in the community!
3. Open & Affirming Team: Then in the late afternoon I met with the Open & Affirming Committee. We had a great session hearing about some of the suggested educational materials and thinking together about what the Open & Affirming designation might mean for MCCC. We discussed how we already have a wonderful Welcoming Statement approved by the congregation that will only need a few tweaks to bring it up to date. “Open & Affirming” is a status designation offered by our denomination which helps people who are looking for a church know that we would be a safe place for members and family of the LGBTQ+ community. We want to make sure we keep growing in the ways we show love and hospitality to all who come through our doors.
4. Loaves & Fishes Meal: I finished my day by going to the Loaves & Fishes meal. Coming down the steps from my O&A meeting I could hear the crowd enjoying the food and chatting. I had two tasty sloppy joes, tater tots, fruit, and dessert. Everything was great. Carolin Newell is doing a fantastic job leading an incredible crew of volunteers for the meal. The kitchen was bustling with servers, preparers, and cleaners. Over 50 people were served and so many people were welcomed in Jesus’ Name.
This is just a small snapshot into ONE day at MCCC this week…and that’s just the stuff I know about and can remember. Lots of amazing ministry is happening here and none of it would be possible without all the hard work of so many wonderful people. Thank you for being a part of our ministry at MCCC!
This Sunday is our third Sunday in Lent and the theme is Water. As we seek to grow in our faith we are asking the question: What are you thirsty for?
God’s blessings be with you this weekend and hope to see you this Sunday in worship!
Peace in Christ,