Holy Week Schedule
God’s blessings be with you during this Holy Week. We pray that each of us will have time to consider our walk with Christ as we look forward to our celebration on Easter Sunday. We have provided opportunities for you to participate in Holy Week in the following ways:
Maundy Thursday
7:00pm at Hiram Christian Church, 6868 Wakefield Rd, Hiram, OH 44234
Please join us for scripture, music, and communion.
Good Friday Prayer
At 3:00pm, I want to invite everyone at MCCC to pause in prayer for our hurting world. In the Gospel of Mark it says that Jesus’ death on the cross was at 3:00pm in the afternoon and many Christians will pause at that moment to pray. Wherever you might be at that time, please stop and pray for 1 minute or for the hour in vigil for those suffering around our world.
Easter Sunrise Service
6:45am at Derthick’s Farm, 5182 St. Rt. 82, Mantua, OH 44255
We will gather at 6:45am to celebrate Easter and (hopefully) take in a beautiful sunrise. Please bring a chair and dress warm! We will have liturgy, music, and communion. Feel free to head over to MCCC afterwards to warm up and get some coffee.
Easter Breakfast
8:30am at Mantua Center Christian Church
The youth will prepare to serve our annual Easter breakfast — pancakes, sausage, eggs, and coffee! This is also an opportunity to give an offering for the youth mission trip to Kentucky this summer.
MCCC Easter Service
9:30am at Mantua Center Christian Church
The service will include special music from the choir, Jon Bozeka, and Sarah Park. We are blessed to welcome you on Easter Sunday and hope you will invite friends and family to join you.
ALL ARE WELCOME! Join us in person or online at MCCC Easter Worship Service.