KWM Cake Kits – Huge Thank You!

Working with Kids Weekend Meals and Crestwood Schools has reminded me what I love about Mantua! When we started KWM in 2015, yes, this is the start of our 9th year; we wanted to involve both our church and our community! And, involved our community is! It is a beautiful thing and I can’t say thank you enough!
A couple of months ago, I asked for cake kits to give to our families. And, in they came! Below are some pics of two of Mrs. Thigpen’s 7th grade classes who put together 28 kits and even carried them to our car!
Included in my thanks:
- The Hirsch Family
- The Primary school
- The Baynes family
- Boy Scout troops
- Girl Scout troops
- A national honor society student
- Our CYF youth group
20 mystery drop offs this week that I am trying to know who made them.
I know that I am probably forgetting some; please forgive me and let me know and I will post you all too!
And, I just found out that more are being put together from supplies donated at the Mother/Son dance! All together, we have probably 75 kits!!!
This is probably enough for now and when we need more, I know exactly where to go! I love you, Mantua! ~Liz Meeker