March 3, 2024 MCCC Announcements (Easter Flower Orders)

Join us live Sunday, March 3rd at 9:30am for our 3rd Sunday in Lent at
Easter Flower Orders are due next Sunday, March 10!
We have lots of extra forms in the entrance of the church for those who would like to order Easter flowers this year. Just print it out, fill it in, and pay according to the directions listed. Please print clearly if your flowers are in honor of or in memory of someone special. Payment is expected along with the order form. The deadline is NEXT Sunday, March 10th, and orders should be given to Sandi Kossick, or placed in the collection plate.
Loaves & Fishes Thank YOU!
The Loaves & Fishes Dinner crew, (Carolin Newell, Kathy & Vince Meier, Kathy Hughes, Sandi Kossick, & Linda Head) would like to extend their heartfelt “thank you!” to Helen Hazlett for recently helping us out in the kitchen, making a dessert, or through serving! We also want to thank our newest volunteers, Teri and Glenn Beck, for donating a dessert and helping with serving, kitchen work, and clean-up! It is wonderful to have some extra help and they all did an awesome job! Thanks for volunteering for this mission at our beloved church!! We also thank anyone who has provided a dessert for our dinners! We appreciate your help and we always have the BEST desserts around!
MCCC Announcements
We are already coming up on our 3rd Sunday of Lent and moving into March! I keep asking myself – what happened to February? It seems like we just shot through it!
In our Lent series of “A Time to Grow”, Pastor Chad will be focusing on “water” and the “living water” through our Lord. Joining Chad will be Frederic Vigne as Worship Leader for the month of March. (I think he will be an exciting addition to our service!) Sandi Kossick and Roger Cram will lead us through Communion, and Sarah Park will provide our hymns through her piano music! And then . . . Sarah will lead the MCCC Choir in a beautiful song entitled “Rain Down on Me”! What a blessing for our church this Sunday! AND . . . we all wish Sarah “Good Luck” on her performance at Mixon Hall at the Cleveland Institute of Music at 7:00pm on Sunday, March 3rd! She will be amazing!
Wishing you many blessings as you continue to “grow” during this season of lent! Sandi