From Pastor Chad – Building Changes, Prayers, & the Week of Compassion

Building update
If you have gone to our church building this week or plan to come Sunday…you will see BIG changes! The front stoop has been demolished and is now being rebuilt. Along the outside of the 1840 building there will be trenches dug for the waterproofing efforts. The only entrance available will be the lower entrances with stairs or the ramp on the far north side of the building. Keep this in mind as you come on Sunday. Remember, we will have the fellowship hall equipped with visual/sound and we always have our online YouTube live option. This week and next week are the Week of Compassion so we really hope you are present to be a part of this important week in the life of the church.
Pray for our Leaders
Speaking of compassion, I want to ask that you pray for our all the leaders of our church, especially those in the thick of working on the building. Think about how hard a building project is at our home and businesses…and then imagine being a volunteer leader for a building project on your church home! What a blessing and challenge. Our church is full of love and grace….AND it can still be a very stressful time as there are so many moving pieces and situations to navigate. We are blessed with wonderful leaders who love one another and love the church and I’m asking that you would offer them all your support and prayers. Please include our trustees, building team leaders, and board leadership….and please include me if you don’t mind! As we go through this there will be ups and downs, let’s believe the best in each other and may our love for one another, the church, and God come above all of it. We are building a legacy that will make a difference for so many people for generations to come.
Week of Compassion
This Sunday we will have our first of two Sundays of the Week of Compassion. Next week (April 21st) we will have our main offering and the presentation of the coin boxes. This week we will hear a message about our call as followers of Jesus and here a bit more about the work of the Week of Compassion. If you want to check it out ahead of time please see
Thank you for your love, prayers, and patience and I hope to be with you in worship (one way or another) this Sunday!
Peace in Christ, Chad