From Pastor Chad – Mission Sunday & Vacation

In the Bible, the Book of Acts gives us a glimpse into the early life and mission of the church. The book begins with a narrative about Christ’s ascension and the day of Pentecost. The story is told in order to extend a call to all the people who are left to share Christ’s mission in the world. With Christ’s physical departure, who will share the message of the Gospel? Who will be God’s hands and feet in the world?
It turns out that the Holy Spirit is an “equal opportunity caller.” On the day of Pentecost there were different people from all over the world with different language, traditions, cultures, and genders, yet all were called to share and live the Gospel. Jesus extended a call to them before his ascension saying, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:18).
I think of this as a three-prong approach — local (Jerusalem), regional (Judea/Samaria), and to the ends of the earth. All Christians are called to mission. Some will share with their mouths. Some with their actions. Some will go nearby. Some will venture faraway. Where and how is God calling you into mission through the power of the Holy Spirit?
This Sunday we will get to hear about Mission in both the regional and global contexts. Our Youth Mission Trip went to Mayfield, KY to do tornado relief and we will get to see their pictures and hear their stories. We also will be hearing from one of Sarah Park’s (our Music Director) friends named Prof. Sunhwa Ryu who is a missionary in Mongolia. (see her bio below) She will speak briefly during worship and then have more extended time right after worship in Fellowship Hall.
Please plan to join us this Sunday and make our missionaries feel loved and welcomed!
Vacation Time
Starting Monday I will be on vacation for 2 weeks. We will be staying close by, but spending lots of time together before we have Josh’s grad party (Auig 10th — 12-4 at Moebius Nature Center — all are invited!) and send the boys off to college. I’m so thankful to Rev. Allen Harris (our Regional Minister and President) and Nancy Humes for filling the pulpit. If there are any pastoral emergencies please contact our Elders. I will be back in the office on August 20th.
I hope everyone has a blessed weekend and I will look forward to worshipping with you on Sunday morning!
Peace in Christ, Chad
Prof. Sunhwa Ryu
2017 – Present: Full-time missionary
* Education:
* Master of Arts, Mongolia State University
* Bachelor of Arts in Piano Performance, GCU, U.S.A
* Current Role:
* Full-time missionary and music professor at Mongolia International University
* Focus: Evangelism and student discipline on campus
Teaching music to build a worship team for a church in Mongolia