MCCC Building Sponsorship Opportunity

We’re so excited for our church to keep building toward our future. Our church has been around since 1827 (building 1840) and we hope to have at least a 3rd century of ministry in Jesus’ Name! The process of transforming the building will take time, but every step matters and will be worth it in the end. One of the most important items that came from our Re-Centering initiative was to make the church building ADA compliant and welcoming to all.
If you would like to help defer the cost of many of the upgrades, please consider selecting an item from the “ladder”. If you join us on Sunday mornings, take a tag from the ladder in the Narthax and return it as soon as you can. If you attend online, please email our Treasurer, Marcia Page, with the item that you would like to sponsor. No need to shop – the Trustees will do that! Simply let us know how you like to help!

- Pre-Cut Studs 6 @ 3.85 $23.10 (x4)
- Sill Plate 1 @ $14.00 (x4)
- Tongue & Groove Plywood 1 @ $48.00 (x2)
- ½” Drywall 4×8 1 @ $11.00
- ½” Drywall 4×8 2 @ $22.00 (x2)
- ½” Drywall 4×8 3 @ $33.00 (x2)
- ½” Drywall 4×8 3 @ $33.00
- ½” Drywall 4×8 4 @ $44.00
- ½” Drywall 4×8 5 @ $55.00 (x3)
- Vanity $250.00
- Sink $75.00
- Sink Top $75.00
- Privacy Wall Pre-Finish $145.00
- Hardware $25.00 (x5)
- 36” Solid Bathroom Door $479.00
- 30” Hollow Storage Door $437.00
- Staircase Handrail $175.00
- Bathroom Vent $150.00
- Fan light $250.00
- LED Wafer Lights $100.00 (x10)
- Handicap Raised Toilet $300.00
- Faucet $50.00
- Shut off Valves Toilet and Sink $100.00
- Misc installation Materials Toilet & Sink $50.00
- 3 Way Switch $100.00 (x2)
- 1 Way Switch $50.00 (x4)
- Regular Outlet $50.00 (x2)
- GFI Outlet $75.00
- 1/10 of a 10 Yard Dumpster $30.00 (x10)
- Vinyl Tile & Installation $135.00 (x10)
- Handicap Grab bar $45.00
- Stair Treads $98.00 (x22)
- Chair Lift Any Part of $12,000.00 (x15)
Nearly all the next steps for moving forward with our current projects –the steps, bathrooms, accessibility ramp, etc–are out of our hands. We are dealing with red tape on the county level and the schedules of our contractors. Please know that our amazing leaders and trustees are doing everything they can to keep things going on our end of things. Meanwhile, as you know, the Third Century Committee (Building Committee) is gathering info and feedback from the congregation about what we would like to see going forward. PLEASE fill out the brief anonymous survey to give us some of your feedback. You can find it here: MCCC Building Survey