MCCC Announcements – March 9, 2025

- Come join the Centering Prayer practice this spring, starting Saturday, March 8th. Gather at 9am, practice centering prayer and lectio divina, and then enjoy fellowship brunch! RSVP to Kathleen Leigh Lewarchick* by Thursday, March 6th and bring a side to serve 4-6. Feel free to bring hiking shoes for a meditative walk in the woods as you’re comfortable.” kathleenmleigh@mcccadmin
- Attention Hilltop Knitters! We will be meeting at Hilltop Church on the 1st & 3rd Monday in March from 1:30-3pm! (March 3rd & 17th) All yarn and hand work project creators are welcome to come, work on their projects, and visit!
- Sunday Classes following worship are: “Life 101” led by Carol Buzbee, “The Seekers” led by Nancy Humes and “The Bible & Beyond” led by Jon Secaur. Oldcomers and Newcomers are all welcome to attend any of the 3 classes!
- Story Time, (for preschoolers), is every Tuesday from 10:30-11:30am when school is in session. This is a fun opportunity for young children (and their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.) to engage in songs, stories, crafts, and more! This is a Free event. Please spread the word to others. Any questions? Contact Pam Auble at [email protected].
- Bible Study ”Dwelling on the Word” with Pastor Chad is every Wednesday between 1:15-2:30, and Life Study is also held every Wednesday, from 6:30-8pm. All are welcome!
- CYF and Chi-Rho will meet for rock climbing on Sunday, March 16th from 2-4pm. Check your emails for all the details! (Friends are always welcome.)
- Please note that CYF will NOT be doing a dinner and auction to raise funds this spring for their mission trip. Instead, the youth will be providing “service days” for our church families! If you have any yard work, repairs, painting jobs or the like, that 5 youth could accomplish in 8 hours or less, contact Pam or Dave Auble (330-603-3213) or Pastor Chad. There is NO CHARGE for these services – this is NOT a fund raiser. We will schedule our workdays in April and will try to work in all the requests we receive. Thank you CYF-ERS for giving back to the church for their support!
- The next Loaves and Fishes Free Community Dinner will be March 27th, from 5-6:30pm in The Fellowship Hall! This is a free community meal, and all are welcome to attend. (Donations are gratefully accepted but not required.) Our menu will be Chili, crackers, a side dish, and assorted desserts. If you would like to help with ANY part of this dinner, even just for a certain month, please contact Carolin Newell at: 330-606-7125. This is a great opportunity for youth to get community credits for school! We only have 10 dinners per year. Let’s work together to help feed our community and join in fellowship with others!
- The next “4th for the 4C’s” food collection will be Sunday, March 23rd during worship. Items needed for February are: Mac & Cheese cups, Bar Soap, Canned Fruit, and Black Tea Bags. NO DONATION IS TOO SMALL WHEN COMBINED WITH OTHERS!
- Please note that our Soup-er Sunday fundraiser will also be held March 23rd following worship. This date coincides with the 2nd round of “March Madness”. OWM will be selling a variety of soups ($8/quart jar) and 3” cornbread squares for $1 each. These soups are TAKE-OUT ONLY. Plan to take a night off from cooking and have dinner already prepared while you watch the competition!
- Library News! If you would like to help our library to grow, here are two titles to consider donating: 1) “The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Scepticism”, by Timothy Keller, and 2) “Mere Christianity”, by C.S. Lewis.
- CYF Mission Trip 2025 is set! Our CYF group will be traveling to Detroit, Michigan the week of June 22-28 to work with CASS Community Social Services, a United Methodist Ministry that grew out of the church’s work with those who are unhoused or developmentally disabled. They will be involved in a variety of community mission work, from stocking a food pantry to building a tiny house, community center building repairs, community garden, clothing ministry, tire recycling, meal preparation and serving at the soup kitchen which serves 700,000 hot meals a year. Stay tuned for more details as we get closer to summer! Questions? Contact Pam Auble at: [email protected].
- THE SHED IS STILL OPEN FOR CLOTHING DONATIONS!! As for the baby items, you are welcome to continue donating diapers (any size), baby wipes, or large black trash bags, and can either bring the items to the church, at your convenience, by leaving them in the outside bin at the lower-level entrance, OR leave them in the classroom in back of the chancel, OR bring them on March 23rd to donate with the 4C’s food collection. Our families will appreciate it more than you know! Questions? Call Nancy Tafel at (330) 416-0752. The next Giveaway will be Saturday, May 10th from 9am-12 noon at St. Joseph school building. Spread the word!
- Mark your calendars for March 30th for our first in a series, “DayS of Kindness” for 2025. Roger Cram and Kathleen Lewarchick have been busy planning Kindness Acts that we can do over several days throughout 2025, rather than consolidating everything into just 1 day! Marvelous idea! The “DOK” days will fall on the months that have a 5th Sunday, right after our 5th Sunday Potluck, and our first one will be March 30th! Our first event will have the theme “Spring Cleaning”! We have a few boxes in the Fellowship Hall to hand out so you can start your Spring Cleaning and fill the box with either gently used clothing, or canned/boxed goods that food pantries can use. (NO EXPIRED DATES PLEASE!) Can’t wait for the potluck and the kindness acts to begin! If you have any spare boxes that can be donated, we will be most appreciative!