How Does a Weary World Rejoice?
The Third Sunday of Advent - "We Allow Ourselves to be Amazed"
Good morning and welcome to the 3rd Sunday in the season of Advent…the Sunday of Joy! We are so blessed with your presence today and we hope you will be blessed by the service. Today is a special Sunday as we are inviting our children and youth to tell the story of Christ’s Birth. You will hear a joyful re-telling and we’ll sing some carols. We thank you for being with us and may the Holy Spirit fill you with anticipation and awe of Christ’s birth this morning. Let’s allow ourselves to be amazed!
Prelude - “God Rest you Merry, Gentleman” [Arr. by J. Stainer] Sarah Park
“This is the Day”
Welcome to the Mantua Center in this Season of Advent. We are a community seeking to have open minds, open hearts, and open arms.
Thank you for joining us here in the house and online. Welcome to everyone!
This Thursday -- Longest Night Service 7pm
Christmas Eve Morning Service and Evening
2024 Calendars have arrived! Feel free to take one! (in entryway)
Though we are weary, we rejoice….
Advent Candle Lighting - John Hanning & Carol Buzbee
*Opening Hymn - “When God is a Child” #132, v. 3
3 Joy is a song that welcomes the dawn,
telling the world that the Savior is born.
When God is a child
there's joy in our song.
The last shall be first
and the weak shall be strong,
and none shall be afraid.
Prayers of the People - Linda Idoine
The Lord’s Prayer
Invitation to Generosity
Invitation - Katie Baird
Music: “It Came Upon the Midnight Clear” [by R.S.Wills]
The Doxology - O Come, O Come, Emmanuel #119, v.4
4 O come, desire of nations, bind
all peoples in one heart and mind;
bid envy, strife and quarrels cease;
fill the whole world with heaven's peace.
Rejoice, rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.
Offering Prayer - Katie Baird
Children’s Moment - Rev. Chad Delaney
Our theme this Advent is “How does a Weary world rejoice?”
Two words I want to know what they mean -- “Weary” and “Rejoice”
So sometimes we are very tired, but even when we are tired and weary we can still find reason to be grateful, joyful, and to celebrate
Mary and Joseph were probably really tired when they traveled to Bethlehem… but they had joy when Jesus was born.
So we got you these pillows -- NANCY!
Special Music - “What Child is This?” - Ryan & Karly Lind
Meditation - Rev. Nancy Humes
Communion Hymn “All Earth is Waiting” #139, vs. 1 & 3
1 All earth is waiting to see the Promised One,
and open furrows, the sowing of our God.
All the world, bound and struggling, seeks true liberty;
it cries out for justice and searches for the truth.
3 Mountains and valleys will have to be made plain;
open new highways, new highways for our God,
who is now coming closer, so come all and see,
and open the doorways as wide as wide can be.
Prayer - Sally Hoffman
Words of Institution - Sally Hoffman
Music: “Jesus Shed His Blood For Me” [by W.H.Doane]
Prayer of Preparation - Rev. Chad Delaney
We allow ourselves to be amazed…
Luke 1:57-66 recounts the story of when Elizabeth gives birth to John. Remember, she had been in seclusion for 5 months and her husband Zechariah was mute. However, after John’s birth they go to the temple to have him circumcised. Strangely the community tries to tell them what to name the child, but--of course--they have already chosen the name that God had given them. Elizabeth and Zechariah confirm this and Zechariah’s mouth was opened and he was able to speak, praising God and telling the story. In the midst of all these events, the scripture says, “All of them were Amazed”.
When was the last time you allowed yourself to really be amazed by the Christmas story? To be wrapped up in the story and to just be in awe of what God is doing? Children don’t seem to have a problem with this.
Rev. Sarah Are Speed says:
If you spend any time with a child, you will quickly notice that children see the world differently.
For a child, a ladybug is a miracle.
A pine tree is a wonder.
Curiosity is a love language,
and water is not only for survival, but for joy.
As adults, we forget this language of awe and wonder,
and when we do, we distance ourselves from God.”
You might recall when Jesus called a child to him among the Disciples and said in Matthew 18:2-5:
“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4Whoever becomes humble like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.”
As we welcome our children today to tell the story again…let’s allow ourselves to be amazed. To see and hear and experience the miraculous gift of Jesus’ birth. To allow wonder and mystery and hope to come into our lives anew.
Let us pray:
God of the universe, make our hearts ready.
Open our eyes, as if for the first time,
so that we might see your world with awe and wonder once again.
Somewhere in our childhood we face pressure to outgrow awe.
We often approach your story with an analytical lens,
For just a moment, pause those instincts to make room for wonder.
Help to be truly amazed as were the people long ago.
Help us greet this story told by the children with awe and gratitude
For in doing so, we will not only find you in the hallways of our thoughts,
but in the pathways of our hearts. With gratitude and joy we pray, Amen.
MCCC Children’s Pageant - “A Joyful Re-Telling”
1. Gabriel’s Announcement, Luke 1:29-38 - Mary & Angels
Narrator: A long time ago in a Galilean Village far away, God sent the angel Gabriel to a young woman engaged to a guy who was King David’s great great great great great great great…well you get the picture -- grandson. The young woman was Mary and the grandson-guy was Joseph.
When the Angel visited Mary he said, “Hey Mary! You’re awesome.”
Angels: “Hey Mary! You’re awesome.”
Narrator: Mary was flattered, but also pretty scared. As angels often do, they said, “Do not be afraid.”
Angels: Do not be afraid.
Narrator: Then the angels said… “It’s all good!”
Angels: “It’s all good!”
Narrator: And then Mary found out from the angel that she will become pregnant and give birth to a son and call him Jesus. This may have rattled most people, but Mary was cool as a 1st Century cucumber.
She said, “Ok God, no problem!”
Mary: Ok God, no problem!
Narrator: She said, “I got this”
Mary: I got this.
Narrator: Then the angel left her and everyone sang a song. Yes that means you (to the congregation)
CAROL: O Little Town of Bethlehem, #144 v.1
1 O little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie!
Above thy deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go by.
Yet in thy dark streets shineth the everlasting Light;
the hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.
2. The Birth of Jesus, Luke 2:1-7 - Mary, Joseph, and Animals
Narrator: Welcome back. Let’s get back to the story. Then the emperor at the time announced that he wanted everyone to be counted, so Joseph told Mary they had to head to Bethlehem. Mary gave him a list of things to do. Joseph did the dishes, mowed the lawn, made some sack lunches, and got the donkey loaded up with their stuff. He did a pretty good job.
They got to Bethlehem and there was no room at the inn. So instead, they went to the barn with all the animals. Well, soon it was baby time! Mary gave birth to a son, her firstborn. She wrapped him in a blanket and laid him in a manger.
Mary said, “Hi Jesus”
Mary: Hi, Jesus
Narrator: Joseph said, “Welcome Little Buddy”
Joseph: “Welcome Little Buddy”
Narrator: And right near the manger there were a whole bunch of animals wandering around. Some of them were smelly and made lots of noises.
The Sheep said, “Baaa”
Sheep: Baaaa
Narrator: The cows said “Moo”
Cows: Mooooo
Narrator: The ducks said “Quack”… (Pause to listen)
Oh wait, there probably weren’t any ducks there. Let’s sing again.
CAROL: AWAY in a MANGER, #147 v.1
1 Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
the little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head.
The stars in the sky looked down where he lay,
the little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay.
3. The Shepherds and the Angels, Luke 2:8-18
Narrator: Let’s continue. After Jesus was born, in another part of town, there were a bunch of shepherds hanging out on the hillsides watching their sheep. Suddenly, God’s angels stood around them. All the shepherds started freaking out. But don’t worry…the angels knew what to do.
They said “Hey guys… Chill out.”
Angels: Hey guys… Chill out.
Narrator: Then the angels did a worldwide announcement: A Savior has just been born, who is the Messiah. Go check it out! Just look for a baby wrapped in a blanket and lying in a manger.
All the angels said, “God is Awesome!”
Angels: God is Awesome!
Narrator: When the angels were done, the shepherds talked it over and figured out whether they were going to go to Bethlehem or not. Everyone was for it except for Bob, but they ended up convincing him.
The Shepherds said, “We gotta see this!”
Shepherds: We gotta see this
Narrator: And so they did! They found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in the manger. They were pretty amazed and told everyone about what they saw.
The Shepherds said to Jesus, “We’re glad we came!”
Shepherds: “We’re glad we came.”
Narrator: All who heard the Shepherds’ story were pretty impressed. Ok then…let’s sing another classic.
CAROL: Joy to the World, #143 v.1
1 Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King;
let every heart prepare him room,
and heaven and nature sing, and heaven and nature sing,
and heaven, and heaven and nature sing.
4. The Gifts of the Wise Guys – Matthew 2:1-11
Narrator: Welcome back to our regularly scheduled program. So after the shepherds visited a bit, a band of wise guys came from the East. They were pretty smart and liked to look at the stars and stuff. Well, they arrived in Jerusalem from the East.
The wise guys said, “Where’s the special guy?”
The Wise: “Where’s the special guy?”
Narrator: These wise guys had followed a star through field and fountain, moor and mountain---what’s a moor?---and it led them right to Jesus. They entered the house and Mary and Joseph were pretty surprised. They weren’t that used to the pop-in. The wise guys opened their suitcases and presented gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
They said, “Here ya go, Jesus”
The Wise Guys: “Here ya go, Jesus”
Narrator: Well…the shepherds and wise guys returned to their homes, the angels returned to heaven, and everyone in the world was filled with God’s love.
As the wise guys gave their gifts to the Christ Child, we remember that we too have gifts to bring. We have the gift of our hearts and our lives to give in service to the one who was humbly born in a manger. Though we are weary, we still have reason to rejoice and share God’s joy all around us.
Then everyone-- and yes, that means you too -- said “Christ is born! Hallelujah!”
ALL: Christ is Born, Hallelujah!
Narrator: Thanks be to God! Ok, let’s sing one last closing song. The first two verses will be solos. But please sing the refrains and third verse together!
*Closing Hymn - “Go Tell It on the Mountain” #161
(Solos for vs. 1-2, congregation sing refrains and verse 3)
Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere.
Go tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is born.
1 While shepherds kept their watching o'er silent flocks by night,
behold throughout the heavens, there shone a holy light. [Refrain]
2 The shepherds feared and trembled when, lo! above the earth,
rang out the angel chorus that hailed the Savior's birth: [Refrain]
3 Down in a lonely manger the humble Christ was born,
and God sent us salvation that blessed Christmas morn. [Refrain]
Benediction - Rev. Chad Delaney
Blue Christmas Service 7pm Thursday
Christmas Eve morning service and evening candlelight service
Box of 2024 Calendars in the entryway
PLEASE Stay for COOKIE SUNDAY. Celebrate Christin
Family of faith, as you leave this place,
you go into a weary world—so speak tenderly.
Do the good that is yours to do.
Choose connection. Hold onto hope.
And remember that Christ took on flesh for you.
You are God’s beloved. So go rejoicing.
The world needs it.
Postlude - “Joy to the World” [Arr. by L.Mason] - Sarah Park