We are a community seeking to have open minds, open hearts, and open arms, building community in a fragmented world.
Prelude - “Take the Name of Jesus With You” [by W. H. Doane] - Sarah Park
Opening Scripture - Isaiah 43:14-17 - Jon Bozeka
14 Thus says the Lord,
your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel:
For your sake I will send to Babylon
and break down all the bars,
and the shouting of the Chaldeans will be turned to lamentation.
15 I am the Lord, your Holy One,
the Creator of Israel, your King.
16 Thus says the Lord,
who makes a way in the sea,
a path in the mighty waters,
17 who brings out chariot and horse,
army and warrior;
they lie down; they cannot rise;
they are extinguished, quenched like a wick:
*Response - Weave
Weave, weave, weave us together, Weave us together, in unity and love.
Weave, weave, weave us together, weave us together, together in love.
*Call to Worship - Jon Bozeka
One: O Lord, we come this morning knee-bowed and body-bent before your throne of grace.
Sing all: “My Shepherd, You Supply My Need.”
One: O Lord - this morning - bow our hearts beneath our knees, and our knees in some lonesome valley.
Sing all: “My Shepherd, You Supply My Need.”
One: We come this morning like empty pitchers to a full fountain, with no merits of our own.
Sing all: “My Shepherd, You Supply My Need.”
One: O Lord, open up a window of heaven, and lean out far over the battlements of glory, and listen this morning.
Sing all: “My Shepherd, You Supply My Need.”
~ James Weldon Johnson, 20th-century African-American educator
*Opening Hymn - Oh, How I Love Jesus #99, v.1&3
1 There is a name I love to hear,
I love to speak its worth;
it sounds like music in my ear,
the sweetest name on earth.
O, how I love Jesus,
O, how I love Jesus,
O, how I love Jesus,
because he first loved me!
3 It tells of one whose loving heart
can feel my deepest woe,
who in my sorrow bears a part
that none can bear below.
Invitation to Generosity
Invitation - Jon Bozeka
Offertory - “Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I Cry” [by I. D. Sankey] - Sarah Park
The Doxology #46
Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below;
praise God above, ye heavenly host: Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Offering Prayer - Jon Bozeka
Children’s Moment - Rev. Chad Delaney
Pastoral Prayer - Rev. Chad Delaney
God of Life and Love… we lift up our heads, hearts and hands to you in prayer.
We long to put our trust in you, to trust that your word is true
that you are beside us and that you hear us.
We lift up to you our longing for hope in a despairing world.
We lift up to you our need for hope in a time when people are looking for something to believe in.
You promised hope to your ancient peoples and you gave justice and freedom.
You promised hope in the coming of your son and he was hope for the world.
You promised hope to the early church and that hope was found in the breaking of bread. You promise hope to us and we see your light and presence even amongst the darkness.
On this day when we are sending our young people forth for Mission and Camp, by your Holy Spirit prepare us to live and love in Jesus Name. We pray for strength when our faith falters. When our trust falters in our society, culture, and institutions…give us courage and strength. Where there is anger, frustration, and hatred, help us to bring love and forgiveness, and hope. Fill us with confidence in your presence in our lives. Fill us with your joy and peace as we see to be the people you have called us to be.
Communion - Pete Pruszynski
Communion Hymn - “According to Thy Gracious Word” #402, v.1-2
1 According to thy gracious word,
in meek humility,
this will I do, my dying Lord,
I will remember thee.
2 The body, broken for my sake,
my bread from heaven shall be;
Thy testamental cup I take,
and thus remember thee.
Prayer & Lord’s Prayer - Pete Pruszynski
Words of Institution
Music: “There is None Like You” [by Lenny LeBlanc]
Scripture - Isaiah 43:18-19, Revelation 21:5-6
Isaiah 43:18-19
18 Do not remember the former things
or consider the things of old.
19 I am about to do a new thing;
now it springs forth; do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert.
Revelation 21:5-6
5 And the one who was seated on the throne said, “See, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this, for these words are trustworthy and true.” 6 Then he said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water as a gift from the spring of the water of life.
Sermon - "Uncle Tom’s Sprinkler" - Jon Secaur
*Closing Hymn - My Shepherd Will Supply My Need #80
1 My Shepherd, you supply my need; most holy is your name;
In pastures fresh you make me feed, beside the living stream.
You bring my wand-ring spirit back, when I forsake your ways;
You lead me, for your mercy’s sake, in paths of truth and grace.
2 When through the shades of death I walk, your presence is my stay;
One word of your supporting breath drives all my fears away.
Your hand, in sight of all my foes, does still my table spread;
My cup with blessings over flows, your oil anoints my head.
3 Your sure provisions, gracious God, attend me all my days;
O may your house be my abode, and all my work be praise.
Here would I find a settled rest, while others go and come;
No more a stranger, nor a guest, but like a child at home.
Dayton Mission Trip Commissioning - Rev. Chad Delaney
Leader: God's love is unlimited and unconditional.
Team: We go to recognize that love in those we meet.
Leader: God's love and hope is abundant and extravagant.
Team: We go to be part of that love and hope in the world.
Leader: God's love is friendship.
Team: We go to walk with our sisters and brothers when God calls friends - And in the journey to find ourselves befriended.
Congregation: We send you from this sacred place into the world's sacred places.
Go with our love, support and prayers. Go with our blessings. Go with our willingness to receive you when you return and with the willingness to change ourselves with the new ideas, hopes, and insights you will share.
Team: We accept that love, support and prayers. We accept the responsibility to be open to new ideas, hopes and insights during this journey. We accept, with the help of God, the possibility of transformation of ourselves and others.
All: Go, to love one another; as God has first loved us. Be HOPE in a world of great need!
Benediction - Jon Secaur
One: Come! This is a journey,
All: And the journey calls us!
One: The door is opening,
All: The moment is now!
One: The journey calls us, but what will we do?
All: Walk through the door?
One: Trust in the future?
All: Trust in God?
One: The door is opening,
All: The time is now,
One: Let’s enter our future!
All: Let’s move toward God!
Postlude - “When we Walk With the Lord” [W. H. Doane] - Sarah Park