Good Morning and a blessed season of Lent to everyone...
Welcome to the Mantua Center Christian Church. Remember we gather not as perfect people, but as people perfectly loved, seeking to live and love like Jesus. We are apart, but we are bound together through the power of the Holy Spirit. Be blessed, be encouraged, and believe that God is near!
Today is the third Sunday in Lent. As we walk with Jesus to Holy Week, this morning we hear a unique parable about two neighbors and what transpires between them in this life and the next. There are powerful lessons to learn about the kind of world Jesus wants and his call to those who follow him to encourage justice and equity.
So then! Let’s prepare our minds and hearts for worship, let’s take a deep breath and Light a Candle.
Together we have set this time and space aside for the worship of God. Let’s give to God our joys, worries, and sorrows and open ourselves up to what God has to say to us today. Let us worship the Lord...
SONG - Weave (Pam and Beth)
Weave, weave, weave us together. Weave us together in unity and love.
Weave, weave, weave us together. Weave us together, together in love.
SCRIPTURE READING - Psalm 41:1-3 (Roger or Linda Hurd)
OPENING HYMN Where He Leads Me (Chalice Hymnal)
SONG RESPONSE Shepherd Me, O God (Pam and Beth)
Shepherd Me, O God beyond my thoughts,
beyond my fears, from death into life
SERMON Equity: Bridging the Great Chasm
Communion Song - One Bread, One Body (Pam)
Communion Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer
Words of Institution
As we gather around Christ’s Table we remember that on the night that Jesus was betrayed, he took the bread and broke it, gave thanks and said to his Disciples, “This is my body which is given for you, eat of it all of you in remembrance of me.” In like manner he took the cup and blessed it saying, “This is the cup of the new covenant in me, as often as you drink of it do so in remembrance of me.” For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s life, death, and resurrection until he comes again. Remember, all...ALL are welcome at the Lord’s Table.
(Share in the Bread and Cup together)
CLOSING SONG They Will Know We are Christians (Pam)