Prelude - My Lord, What a Morning! [Robert Thygerson] music by Jan Green
We are a community seeking to have open minds, open hearts, and open arms, building community in a fragmented world.
The Gathering written by Cheryl Lawrie
Why are you here?
Maybe you are here because you recognize in your own story a greater story. One spoken since the beginning of time by prophets, preachers and peacemakers. A story where God calls the world into liberation and wholeness.Maybe you are here because you have glimpsed a moment of love that is beyond human reach…The grace that lies just beyond our fingertips
that transforms the ugly into breathtaking; the impossible into the realMaybe you are here, not defined by faith but with a deep conviction
that the ending to everyone’s story is yet to be written
and can be shaped into life by justice and compassion.Maybe you are here, no longer sure whether you belong
or how any of this makes a difference
struggling to remember the vision that inspired you
or the call that now eludes you. You are welcome…
Opening Scripture - Leviticus 19:33-34
33 When an alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. 34The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.
*Response - Weave
Weave, weave, weave us together,
Weave us together, in unity and love.
Weave, weave, weave us together,
weave us together, together in love.
*Call to Worship - Laura Parker
ONE: There are many places you could be this morning, but you have chosen to be here:
ALL: where we learn how to live in God's Kingdom.
ONE: Welcome to this place—full of music, of words, of prayer— yet also filled with danger:
ALL: where we are challenged with Wisdom we cannot always understand.
ONE: Welcome to God's House, the most dangerous place in town:
ALL: where we talk about and with God, and are moved to silence so we may hear the call to discipleship. ~Written by Thom Shuman
*Opening Hymn - I Love to Tell the Story #480, v.1&2
I love to tell the story of unseen things above,
of Jesus and his glory, of Jesus and his love.
I love to tell the story because I know 'tis true;
it satisfies my longings as nothing else can do.
I love to tell the story, 'twill be my theme in glory,
to tell the old, old story of Jesus and his love.
2 I love to tell the story 'tis pleasant to repeat
what seems, each time I tell it, more wonderfully sweet.
I love to tell the story, for some have never heard
the message of salvation from God's own holy word.
Invitation to Generosity - Laura Parker
Offertory Music - “Something for Thee” by Donna J. Krieger
The Doxology #46
Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below;
praise God above, ye heavenly host: Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Offering Prayer
Children’s Moment - Rev. Chad Delaney
Pastoral Prayer - Rev. Chad Delaney
Lord, in your mercy, Make us instruments of your love.
Kind and merciful God, may your LOVE animate all we do and that our love may become contagious.
Lord, in your mercy, Make us instruments of your love.
We pray that the Church, the People of God, may never cease to proclaim by its teaching, life and liturgy that love for you and our neighbor is the heart of the gospel and that people are your gift to us,
Lord, in your mercy, Make us instruments of your love.
We pray that people may not lose their hearts in today's economic and political certainty. In the midst of racism, violence, and indifference…but that all may keep giving first place to human relationships of friendship and respect
Lord, in your mercy, Make us instruments of your love.
We pray that we may have room in our hearts and homes for refugees and strangers, that we may learn to share our goods and ourselves with all people loved by God - the poor and the lonely and those who suffer
Lord, in your mercy, Make us instruments of your love.
We pray that those who don't know how to forgive, those who have not experienced much happiness in life or whose longings have not been fulfilled may encounter a bit of your goodness in our attention and care
Lord, in your mercy, Make us instruments of your love.
We pray that in our communities we may uplift one another rather than tear down, accept each other with trust and affection, forgive one another from the heart and welcome one another as we go forward together in hope and love
Lord, in your mercy, Make us instruments of your love.
Our gentle God, help us to love you and one another with your measure, that is, without measure, in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.
Meditation - Drema Herron
Communion Hymn - Bread of the World #387, v. 1 & 2
Bread of the world in mercy broken,
wine of the soul in mercy shed,
by whom the words of life were spoken,
and in whose death our sins are dead:
Look on the heart by sorrow broken,
look on the tears by sinners shed;
and be thy feast to us the token
that by thy grace our souls are fed.
Prayer & Lord’s Prayer - Drema Herron
Words of Institution
Music: “Benediction Meditation” by Mark Hayes and R. Kevin Boesiger
Scripture - Acts 11:1-18
Now the apostles and the believers who were in Judea heard that the Gentiles had also accepted the word of God. 2So when Peter went up to Jerusalem, the circumcised believers criticized him, 3saying, ‘Why did you go to uncircumcised men and eat with them?’ 4Then Peter began to explain it to them, step by step, saying, 5‘I was in the city of Joppa praying, and in a trance I saw a vision. There was something like a large sheet coming down from heaven, being lowered by its four corners; and it came close to me. 6As I looked at it closely I saw four-footed animals, beasts of prey, reptiles, and birds of the air. 7I also heard a voice saying to me, “Get up, Peter; kill and eat.” 8But I replied, “By no means, Lord; for nothing profane or unclean has ever entered my mouth.” 9But a second time the voice answered from heaven, “What God has made clean, you must not call profane.” 10This happened three times; then everything was pulled up again to heaven. 11At that very moment three men, sent to me from Caesarea, arrived at the house where we were. 12The Spirit told me to go with them and not to make a distinction between them and us. These six brothers also accompanied me, and we entered the man’s house. 13He told us how he had seen the angel standing in his house and saying, “Send to Joppa and bring Simon, who is called Peter; 14he will give you a message by which you and your entire household will be saved.” 15And as I began to speak, the Holy Spirit fell upon them just as it had upon us at the beginning. 16And I remembered the word of the Lord, how he had said, “John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.” 17If then God gave them the same gift that he gave us when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could hinder God?’ 18When they heard this, they were silenced. And they praised God, saying, ‘Then God has given even to the Gentiles the repentance that leads to life.’
Sermon - "Cost of Transformation" - Rev. Chad Delaney
Here lies one of the most fascinating and challenging episodes in the New Testament canon.
By this point in the book of Acts, Peter--the Rock on whom the church was built--has gone from the one who has 3 times denied Jesus…to a leader in the early movement of faith.
This early movement has found itself in a difference of opinion and practice with their own brethren. All of the very first believers were Jewish and every religion has their fair share of internal disagreements. Has anyone ever noticed that all who claim the name of Christian do not always agree?
Well, these 1st century Jews who happen to believe that Jesus was the Messiah started to share their message OUTSIDE their community. The idea--for them--was that Jesus did not come for the house of Israel, but for the entire world. Even those who were Gentiles -- those who weren’t Jewish, who didn’t follow Torah. Torah included the 10 Commandments and various other laws governing a godly life. These included direction on how to observe the Sabbath and what food to eat. These were important to the whole community and to God ---would Gentiles have to observe them too?
Well Peter, who clearly is not adverse to a little controversy in his life, makes an extraordinary claim--Jesus came to me in a dream and said we don’t have to follow the food laws any more. Yes he knows about Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14 -- two very well-known passages articulating what animals are clean and unclean. Despite the scripture, however, he says that Jesus told him something different.
7I also heard a voice saying to me, “Get up, Peter; kill and eat.” 8But I replied, “By no means, Lord; for nothing profane or unclean has ever entered my mouth.” 9But a second time the voice answered from heaven, “What God has made clean, you must not call profane.”
So let’s put ourselves in the shoes of those devout, bible believing folks he was trying to convince of this.
Their position was easy to articulate and on very solid ground. Read the Scripture.
But maybe more influential than that -- Tradition. Cultural norm. This is the way of life taught to me by my parents. This was the way of belief taught to me by my grandparents who loved me very much. To believe different could feel like betrayal. How could I possibly change what I believe to accommodate Peter’s dream?
For these folks listening to Peter there is more at stake for just changing their minds, it is reimagining their whole belief system. May have to re-imagine their social, political beliefs. Their traditions and family legacy. This is very difficult. Maybe you have experienced that already and it took enormous courage to do it. If you haven’t experienced it, imagine what that might feel like.
An enormous challenge…AND clearly not one God minds asking of us when the truth is at stake. When a radical hospitality is at stake. When love is at stake. Remember…
- God invited Abraham and Sarah to uproot and move to another land.
- God blew up Jonah’s understanding of love and forgiveness
- God told Mary the Holy Spirit would make her a mother.
- God blinded Saul to reverse course and proclaim the Gospel.
All of them could have made biblical, cultural, traditional arguments with God about whether or not such could occur. Yet God has a Holy Habit of putting us on notice that what we have always learned, thought, and believed may be confronted by the power of the Holy Spirit. God is STILL speaking. And there may be cost to transformation….
Anthony De Mello tells this old story …
I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw the name of the shop: THE TRUTH SHOP. The salesgirl was very polite: What type of truth did I wish to purchase, partial or whole? The whole truth, of course. No deceptions for me, no defenses, no rationalizations. I wanted my truth plain and unadulterated. She waved me on to another side of the store.
The salesman there pointed to the price tag. “The price is very high, sir,” he said. “What is it?” I asked, determined to get the whole truth, no matter what it cost. “Your security, sir,” he answered.
I came away with a heavy heart. I still need the safety of my unquestioned beliefs.
To be open to the Spirit’s leading, to recognize that God is speaking there may be a cost as we change and transform. It may be our security. For Peter it would be….being rejected, being questioned, being called heretical.
Every day in this world we live in there are so many voices pulling us this way and that. As we discern the truth may we be open to the new leadings of the Holy Spirit. May we be ready to question what we always thought and believed to welcome a new way of understanding. And may we always ERR on the side of inclusion, welcome, and love as we seek to build God’s kindom together in the name of Jesus Christ. May it be so.
*Closing Hymn - As Grain on Scattered Hillsides #491, v.1,2,&4
As grain on scattered hillsides, when gathered, makes one bread
God, gather all your people as one in Christ our head.
We from many places and we are not the same,
Yet your strong love has called us to meet in Jesus’ name.
A grain of wheat is fruitless until in earth it lies;
Then, dying to its old life, it bears and multiplies.
So may we die to hatred, to all our hurtful ways,
Reborn to common living, to love, to work, to praise.
O Christ, our risen Savior; O Spirit, holy dove,
Come now and move among us; make us a sign of love.
Come, knead and blend each texture with strong and gentle hands,
That we may be one body, one loaf in many lands.
Benediction - Rev. Chad Delaney
~ submitted by Rev. Nora Vedress
So now we leave this space of worship
And while so much of the road ahead is uncertain,
the path constantly changing, challenging us with new things
we also know some things that are as solid and sure
as the ground beneath our feet,and the sky above our heads.
We know God is love.
We know Christ’s light endures.
We know the Holy Spirit is there,
found in the space between all things,
closer to us than our next breath, inviting us to follow,
binding us to each other,
until we meet we again,
Go in peace.
Postlude - On Our Way Rejoicing [Terry Osman] music by Jan Green