Youth Mission Trip Sunday
Good morning! Buenos Dias! Guten Morgen! おはようございます! Yá’át’ééh abíní! Welcome to the Mantua Center Christian Church on this World Communion Sunday. Today we will be celebrating the gift of Holy Communion with people all over the world and doing so by hearing from our Youth who served on a Mission Trip this summer to Charleston, WV. We are connected through God’s Spirit to those in our local community, our nation, and our world and when we work together to alleviate suffering and pain, we do what Christ calls us to do. Today, let’s reflect on the ways we add our voices, talents, and love to the world through our active service! Thank you so much for being here today and may God’s spirit fill you with the Good News!
Welcome to Mantua Center Christian Church -- a community seeking to have open minds, open hearts, and open arms.
Introit - “Love Divine, all Loves Excelling” [by J.Zundel] - Sarah Park
Whether online or in the house this morning, we want to welcome you!
Ministry Leaders and congregants are welcome to come forward to the mic, to give a mission update or share ways for people to get involved in missions and ministries.
- Chi-Rho Info Gathering at Hiram Christian at 1pm
- Bread and Jam Party after the service downstairs
- Wednesday studies begin this Wednesday.
1:15 - 2:30 - Dwelling in the Word begins (Bring Project)
7-8:30p - Life Study begins
Scripture - 1 Corinthians 12:12-14 - Alissa Kurzeika, Christina Brant, Sarah Park
12 For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. 13For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.
14 Indeed, the body does not consist of one member but of many.
12 Porque así como el cuerpo es uno, y tiene muchos
miembros, pero todos los miembros del cuerpo, siendo
muchos, son un solo cuerpo, así también Cristo. 13 Porque
por un solo Espíritu fuimos todos bautizados en un
cuerpo, sean judíos o griegos, sean esclavos o libres; y a
todos se nos dio a beber de un mismo Espíritu.
14 Además, el cuerpo no es un solo miembro, sino muchos.
12 몸은 하나인데 많은 지체가 있고 몸의 지체가 많으나 한 몸임과 같이 그리스도도 그러하니라 13 우리가 유대인이나 헬라인이나 종이나 자유인이나 다 한 성령으로 세례를 받아 한 몸이 되었고 또 다 한 성령을 마시게 하셨느니라 14 몸은 한 지체뿐만 아니요 여럿이니 (고린도전서 12:12-14)
*Response - Weave #495
Weave, weave, weave us together, Weave us together, in unity and love.
Weave, weave, weave us together, weave us together, together in love.
*Call to Worship - Faith Brewer
One: Welcome to this place, as we gather with all of God's children:
All: where we find God's love,
One: Welcome to this place, where the Table is set and Christ is the Host:
All: where we bring our hunger, and find food;
One: where we bring our brokenness, and find healing;
All: where we bring ourselves, and find acceptance. Let us worship the Lord.
— written by Thom Shuman
*Opening Hymn - O For a World #683, v. 1-5
1 O for a world where everyone respects each other’s ways,
where love is lived and all is done with justice and with praise.
2 O for a world where goods are shared and misery relieved,
where truth is spoken, children spared, equality achieved.
3 We welcome one world family and struggle with each choice
that opens us to unity and gives our vision voice.
4 The poor are rich, the weak are strong, the foolish ones are wise.
Tell all who mourn; outcasts belong, who perishes will rise.
5 O for a world preparing for God’s glorious reign of peace,
where time and tears will be no more, and all but love will cease.
Invitation to Generosity
Invitation - Aspen Baynes
As we come together on this World Communion Sunday, it's good to remember all our global connections. We’re all different around the globe but we are all human beings and need one another. Today we’re joining with people all over the globe to come to God’s Table and we bring our gifts with us. And giving can be fun, as we experienced on our Mission Trip to Charleston. We got to know some new people and worked on their homes. We all have something to give so here’s three challenges for you:
Challenge #1: Share Your Blessings Locally
This week, think of one blessing you can share with someone in need in our local community. It could be your time, a skill you possess, or a material possession that could make a difference in someone's life.
Challenge #2: Support Global Missions
What global missions or humanitarian efforts can you support? Many of our brothers and sisters around the world need our help and there are ways to reach out no matter the amount. Maybe the Week of Compassion or Church World Service?
Challenge #3: Pray for Global Unity and Healing
Remember to pray for people around the world. Pray for unity among people for faith, for peace in areas of conflict, and for healing in places affected by disasters, illness, or poverty. Let your prayers be a powerful force for change in the world.
We will now receive our tithes, gifts, and offerings.
Offertory “Oh, the Best Friend to Have” [by P.P.Bilhorn]
Response - “Give Thanks” #528
Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the Holy One,
give thanks because he’s given Jesus Christ his Son. Give Thanks!
Offering Prayer- Aspen Baynes
Dear God, thank you all for all the gifts given today and every Sunday. You give us opportunities every day to give of ourselves to help bring hope to others. Help us all to embrace those opportunities and serve others as you have called us to. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
Children’s Moment - Everett Baynes
Pastoral Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer - Olivia O’Bryant
God of Love,
From every place on this planet, we look to you. Gather us to pray together as one. There’s a lot that would divide us…bring us together in your love. Give us strength to listen to each other and find the good in each other.
We see around us that there are people in pain. We saw people in Charleston who needed a helping hand. We see people in our community that need some help. There are people around the world who are poor and just need some food and water. Inspire us to help others -- to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with you.
We thank you for all the people who are trying to help out there. People who live with kindness and generosity. We’re thankful for the people willing to receive help and welcome us into their lives. Every action of kindness is an effort to make the world new and whole and one.
Make us a world who grows into your love more fully.
A world where all are welcomed and fed. Where needs are few.
Make us a people who are more like a loving family who helps each other. We belong to one another and we belong to you.
Please bring us together as we pray the prayer Jesus taught us saying:
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name,
thy kingdom come, thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
Holy Communion
Meditation - Rev. Nancy Humes
Hymn - “One Bread, One Body” #393, v. 1-3
One bread, one body, one Lord of all, one cup of blessing which we bless.
And we, though many, throughout the earth, we are one body in this one Lord.
1 Gentile or Jew, servant or free, woman or man no more. Refrain
2 Many the gifts, many the works, one in the Lord of all. Refrain
3 Grain for the fields, scattered and grown, gathered to one for all. Refrain
Prayer - Sally Hoffman
Words of Institution - Sally Hoffman
Music - “Saviour! Thy Dying Love” [By R. Lowry] - Sarah Park
Scripture - Amos 5:14-15a - Josh Delaney
Seek good and not evil, that you may live,
and so the Lord, the God of hosts, will be with you, just as you have said.
Loathe evil and love good, and establish justice in the gate;
Stories from Mission Trip
Team Chris & Carol - Slideshow
Team Dave & Sally - Slideshow
Team Chad & Larissa - Slideshow
Team Pam - Slideshow
*Closing Hymn - In Christ There is No East or West #687, v.1, 3-4
1 In Christ there is no east or west, in him no south or north,
but one community of love throughout the whole wide earth.
3 Join hands, disciples of the faith, whate'er your race may be;
all children of the living God are surely kin to me.
4 In Christ now meet both east and west, in him meet south and north:
all loving hearts are one in him throughout the whole wide earth.
Benediction - Kevin Vechery
CHAD - Announcements:
Thank you for joining us online and in the house.
Please join us downstairs for BREAD & JAM to CELEBRATE World Communion Sunday.
Please join us for our Sunday gatherings led by Jon Secaur, Carol Buzbee, and Nancy Humes. It's a great way to get to know folks and grow deeper in your faith.
Thank you to all the YOUTH who are
Family of God, we are one.
Our work together makes us one.
The bread and cup we share makes us one.
Just being here together makes us one.
Even as we scatter from this place to go about our busy lives, we are one.
With gratitude we remember and celebrate all our faith family around the globe
With gratitude we will share the story of faith with our actions
With gratitude we now leave this place. serving one another and trusting in the One who makes us one. Go in peace.
Postlude - “Standing on the Promises” [by R. K. Carter] - Sarah Park