Sunday, Sept 20, 2020
Mantua Center Christian Church
Remote Worship Order
Order of Worship
- Back to worship together
- Kids and families are back to school
PRELUDE You Go to Your Church
WELCOME - Rev. Chad Delaney
This is the Day that the Lord has made! Let us rejoice and be Glad in it!
Good morning everyone. Welcome to Worship with the Mantua Center Christian Church. Remember we gather not as perfect people, but as people on a journey to live and love in the likeness of Jesus Christ.
Today we continue in the book of Genesis with the story of Abraham and Sarah. God has made a promise to Abraham….but there are strong reasons for him to be discouraged about it. God meets him right where he is and gives him something to remind him to rest in the promises God has made.
God of the covenant, As you promised Abraham descendants as numerous as the stars, you have also promised us that we might live under those stars as your people, faithful and loved. Show us how to live as your people, and how to nurture all your children with whom we share the same canopy of sky night after night. Amen.
OPENING SCRIPTURE - Ps 98:1-5 - Reader: Baynes family
OPENING HYMN - “For the Beauty Of the Earth”
PRAYERS of the PEOPLE - Chad Delaney
God of Sarah and Abram, Rebekah and Isaac,
We praise you on this day that you have made. We stand in awe of this day and week knowing the opportunities and gifts that await us. You intertwine yourself in each part of our lives and all through the ages, since that time you called Abraham and Sarah to leave their have called us to trust in you come what may...
As we go through life, though, there are certainly days our stresses and doubts can feel overwhelming. Our fears and worries closer to us than even you. We can forget the wisdom passed down for generations in scripture, in story, in song. We can get distracted by the topsy-turvy world or even numb ourselves from the troubles. There are even times when hope looks far away. God remind us in your wisdom, mercy, and presence that you remain beside us. Remind us of the promises you made to our ancestors and even to us. Help us by your Holy Spirit to confront our fears and call upon a power greater than ourselves. To remember the strength you’ve given us in community. To remember your promise to walk beside us. To hold on to your grace and mercy in and through all things.
God of presence and love, we pray today for those who have fear right at their doorstep. For those battling the forest fires, hurricanes, and floods. For those whose loved ones are hurting and sick. For those in our church family that could use an extra lift in body, mind, and spirit. God, we pray for each other and place our trust in you.
Hear the cries of our hearts in this time of silent prayer…
God of wonder. God of Stars and Galaxies. Your presence is everywhere. In times of pain and struggle...we give ourselves to you and are grateful for the ways you minister to us. Help us, too, to hear your call to reach out to others, to be your hands and feet in the world, embodying to one another all the promises you have made. Bless us, hold us, renew us for the journey ahead. We put our lives in your hands. We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
SPECIAL MUSIC - "I Put My Life in Your Hands" Pam Auble and Beth Schabel
PREACHING - Chad Delaney
SCRIPTURE - Genesis 15:1-6
SERMON - Reminders of God’s Promises
Communion Hymn - "Just as I am, without one plea" #339
MCCC Elder - Nora Brant
Communal Prayer & the Lord’s Prayer
Words of Institution
SENDING MUSIC - “Go Now in Peace” Arranged by Don Besig