Good morning everyone. Welcome to Worship with the Mantua Center Christian Church. Remember we gather not as perfect people, but as people perfectly loved. Each Sunday, even in this current reality, we are able to get together virtually...what a gift that is and we are thankful for you joining with us. God is with us wherever we are, bound together by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Sunday, Sept 1, 2020
Mantua Center Christian Church
Remote Worship Order
Order of Worship
PRELUDE “Sanctuary”
(Words and Music by John W. Thompson and Randy Scruggs)
WELCOME - Rev. Chad Delaney
This is the Day that the Lord has made! Let us rejoice and be Glad in it!
OPENING SCRIPTURE - Psalm 149 says….
1Praise the Lord! Sing to the Lord a new song, praise the Lord in the assembly of the faithful. 2Let Israel be glad in its Maker; let the children of Zion rejoice in their Ruler. 4For the Lord takes pleasure in the people;...5Let the faithful exult in glory; let them sing for joy on their couches.
So then, friends in Christ, whether on your feet, outside, inside, on a tv, on your phone, or YES...even on a couch...let’s sing for joy on this day God has made Let us pray…
God of Joy and Peace, we pray this day that your Love through the Power of the Holy Spirit might fill our hearts and minds and souls. That your loving kindness might be heard and known in the music, the preaching, the praying, the Table, the silence. God, we lift your name and listen for your word in this time of worship. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.
OPENING HYMN - This is the Day #286 (Words and Music by Les Garrett)
Doxology #46
PRAYERS of the PEOPLE - Sarah Smith
Church, you will notice that today I am not dressed to the nines. I would like to take a moment to acknowledge that many of us are struggling to find a sense of normalcy in a time where we were expecting to be back to normal and were robbed of that security. No matter what you look like, what you feel like, what you sound like, and what you are feeling, you are a child of God and beloved. You are always worthy of love and you always have a spot at the table. As we all humbly come together to meet with the divine, I invite you to center yourself with me through three deep breaths.
Holy Mother, wherever there is love, we find your presence.
We know that love is intimate and personal but also collective.
Love is communal resistance to practices of evil.
Under systems that destroy, holy is the uprising of the faithful.
Your Love is not passive; neither is it neutral.
Love despises abuse of power. Love practices solidarity with the suffering.
The healing of the world depends on love.
Courageous love. Fierce love. Tender love.
We ask for peace for the raging, comfort for the grieving and afflicted. We ask you to fill with your spirit those who are numb and tired. Enfold those who need rest and energize those who are seeking direct action to bring about your justice here on earth. In the midst of the madness, remind us of your affirmation that we are good. and beautiful. and beloved. and sacred. and worthy. and believed. and held. and capable of healing beyond our wildest imaginations.
Beloved One, these are difficult days. In the midst of all that overwhelms, keep us from doing harm where we intend to do good. You have shown us how to prioritize what is true, what is just, and what is compassionate. Bless our offerings and our intentions, that we might faithfully apply your teachings in every aspect of our lives.
In the name of the Creator, the Redeemer, and the Sustaining Spirit, Amen.
PREACHING - Chad Delaney
SCRIPTURE - Romans 12:9-21
SERMON - Resilient, Persistent, and Relentless Love
Communion Hymn “Here At Thy Table, Lord” (all 3 verses) #384
MCCC Elder - Drema Herron
Communal Prayer & the Lord’s Prayer
Words of Institution
Thank you so much for joining us this morning here at Mantua Center Christian Church. It has been a blessing to worship with you, whether you are local in distance or in heart. If you would like to check out what we are up to in Covidtide and how to support the ministries of the church, the link to our webpage will be in the description below.
Family in Christ, God has given us the power to do things differently.
Made in the image of Divine Life, we are creative people.
May we depart from one another encouraged to break old patterns,
to disrupt legacies of violence,
and to prioritize love that sets free above all else.
The Spirit will accompany us with peace. Amen.
SENDING MUSIC - “Go Now in Peace”
Don Besig