Invitation to Lent & More!

Week of Compassion
This Sunday we are celebrating the 2nd week of our Week of Compassion series. We will be looking at a beautiful passage in Lamentations and listening for what God is telling us about being a faithful and compassionate people even in the midst of hardship. If you are so inclined to make an offering you can make a check to “MCCC” and put in the memo “Week of Compassion.” Or you can go directly to and make a contribution there.
Meanwhile, please fill up those coin boxes and return them as the month goes on. We will keep setting them on the Table until March 20th!
Invitation to Lent
It may surprise you that Lent is already here. Lent is the 40-day observation in the liturgical year when we prepare our hearts and minds for Holy Week and Easter. Lent is a time to re-orient, re-calibrate, and get re-connected with God. This Lent our theme is “Full to the Brim: An Expansive Lent” and we will look at passages that speak to the expansive love and grace of God. PLEASE open the attached flyer for all the links and details.
Everyone is invited to Ash Wednesday service at 7:00pm this Wednesday in-person and online. If you come in-person we will be offering the imposition of ashes this year (on your hand or forehead).
We will also be joining with Hiram Christian for a weekly Wednesday Zoom Lenten study of Howard Thurman’s Meditations of the Heart. Thurman’s deeply spiritual and challenging book is a wonderful compliment to our theme. Please join us on Wednesdays or read along with us as I’m sure you will be blessed in doing so. The zoom link will be sent out on a weekly basis.
On the flyer you will see the schedule, links to the book/excerpts, and even a Spotify Music list recommended by the theme creators (Sanctified Art). Please check it out!
Join us on this journey of Lent to grow our faith, hope, and love in the likeness of Jesus Christ.