CYF 2023 Charleston WV Mission Trip – Day 4

Day 4 comes to a close. After starting the day with a pancake breakfast, the groups got to it!
The Dave and Sally Team continued building Ms. Sheets deck. They put on all the treads, worked on the railing and spindles and straightened the walking path.
The Dave and Larisa Team learned how to lay click-and-lock laminate flooring and completed the laundry room. They finished painting the spare bedroom. Everyone is excited wrap up the ramp tomorrow!
The Chris and Carol Team began a new project at Ms. Calloway’s house in Rand WV. They demolished her deck and removed all nails. It might not seem like much, but it took about four hours. They wanted to get the holes dug for the posts of the new deck but discovered a gas line. Work had to stop and plans be redrawn. We’ll start the new deck tomorrow.
A relaxing evening of showers and dinner out was definitely needed. We came back to the apartment for some games and evening devotions. Hopefully an early and restful bedtime to prepare for the morning.