April 11 – MCCC Worship & Living the Resurrection Survey & Communication

Happy Easter MCCC!
Thank you all so much for so much participation in our worship services on Easter weekend. It was a blessing to share Holy Week with you all and then to experience Resurrection Sunday at the farm, windows, and youtube live was just incredible. Did you know that a conservative estimate of how many people worshipped with us on Sunday is around 150-180 people? We had about 20 at Sunrise, about 30 cars at the Windows, and 89 views on YouTube (usually there are more than one person in a car and YouTube view). It is important to recognize the big reach our little church has in so many different ways!
Living the Resurrection Survey
As you know, our theme this Lenten season was “Living the Resurrection” and to follow up with that we want to ask you all to brainstorm with us. The Worship Team has put together a very brief survey in which we are inviting you to submit ideas on how we can PRACTICALLY and MEANINGFULLY live the Resurrection. We are looking for specific ideas that almost anyone can do. Be creative and we’ll put them all together in a special way to deliver back to the congregation sometime soon. Looking forward to all the great ideas we can come up with!
Access the survey at this link: Living the Resurrection
MCCC Worship
For the month of April we will be worshiping via YouTube video. This Sunday we are looking forward to hearing Pam Auble preach on the Luke 24 Walk to Emmaus story. After the service we will have our Zoom session to say hello and have conversation. I will send out the YouTube link when it’s available. If you want to join us on Zoom at 9:30am and/or 10:15, join us here:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 388 701 1421
Passcode: 1111
Meanwhile, the Worship Team will be working hard on making it possible to worship outside at the building. We will use the space in front of the church for people to sit in chairs or park for FM transmitter. We will also continue to stream our services online. Our Gathering Team will be getting together soon to continue discussing the criteria we will need to start our building re-entry process. There has been really promising news on vaccine effectiveness and we will continue watching the county numbers. Either way, it will be great to be together for worship outside once May begins.
I want to thank everyone for their extraordinary patience and endurance through this season away from the building. I trust that you have found ways to explore your faith in different and meaningful ways, but I understand that there is nothing like being together “in the house” for worship, singing, and fellowship! I’m very eager to return and I know many of you are too! The love we share for one another that called for us to stay apart…is now strongly calling us back together! Hang in there!
I’m grateful to say that our finances are in really good shape. Our worship attendance is hard to precisely gauge, but all indications are that–if anything–we’ve increased our reach into the community. I do, however, know that for some of us Zoom and YouTube doesn’t work well and we are waiting for the return to the building. Others, I know, have found other places to worship or may not choose to return to the building. When we do return there will be new faces and faces who are missing. There will be great joy, but also some sadness and difficulty. Emerging from this unique season will be a challenge.
Please remember that if you have concerns or questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. My door is open to listen and/or have conversation. We need to communicate and listen to one another as much as possible as we start entering into a new season of our life together. May the Risen Christ lead us and guide us now and always!