MCCC Calendar of Events – Sept. 26, 2022

After a month long hiatus, I am sending you the MCCC Weekly/Monthly Calendar of Events! The 1st page contains not only the events taking place for THIS week, but it also contains ALL of the upcoming events (to my knowledge) for the entire month of October. It may look a “bit” overwhelming . . . but bare with me just for a moment!
The leaders of the church have talked over the years of having a calendar that is produced once a month with all of the activities going on at MCCC and our community. Many years ago we had one called “The Grapevine” and at that time it was actually “snail mailed” to everyone. I would love to have your thoughts on whether you would like a monthly calendar, or if you prefer to see it continuing once a week. PLEASE take a few minutes and send me your thoughts by replying to this email! And, please know that I will be happy to continue with a Weekly Calendar, and just as happy to change it to a once a month calendar, via email.
- This Wednesday, 9/28, is our Life Study at MCCC from 7-8:30pm. Jon & Linda have introduced us to Bishop Flunder’s sermons, and given us much to ponder and discuss. I hope you can attend for a new perspective and some great conversation!
- This Thursday, 9/29, is our Free Loaves & Fishes Community Meal from 5-6:30pm. Come join us for Sloppy Joes, Mac & Cheese, Peaches and an assortment of pies for dessert! Everyone is WELCOME! Please bring your friends and family for a night out!
- Plan to join us for our Re-Centering Gathering on Sunday, tentatively scheduled for 10/2, following worship! Jon Secaur, Rick Painley, and Pastor Chad have been diligently planning this event and more details will be forthcoming soon. So, keep your eyes open!
As you begin this week I’d like to share these thoughts I recently read:
Don’t forget to love the way you want to be loved,
by Madalyn Beck
listen the way you want to be heard,
give the way you hope others give,
care the way you want others to care,
because change doesn’t start with them,
it starts right here.
May all of our actions be the start of positive change this week!