An Easter Message from Pastor Chad

Happy Easter! May the Living and Risen Christ be with you! I am so grateful for such a beautiful weekend to celebrate our most important holiday in our faith. By our rough estimation we likely served over 200 people on Easter Sunday and that’s not including those who will watch the recorded service on YouTube! What a gift it was to have Sunrise Service at the Derthick’s Farm (see stunning photo attached from MaryEllen) and to come back to a wonderful breakfast prepared by Carol Magyarics and the youth. In the service we were blessed with incredible music by Sarah, Jon, Ally, Ryan, and the MCCC Choir. The sanctuary was beautifully decorated by Sandi Kossick, Nancy Humes, and the Worship Team. All of Lent led to a wonderful celebration of resurrection and new life!
Re-Centering Document
As we seek to live out the Resurrection I wanted to share with you the attached document. The document is a simplified representation of the conclusions from our Re-Centering events over the last few months. There are multiple initiatives that we have started and achieved and on this document are initiatives that we NEED participation and help with. There are names next to some of the items who are already beginning work on them. Some of them, however, need CHAMPIONS who will take the lead to help make them happen. There are LOTS of great ideas and possibilities….AND….we need folks to hear the call to leadership. Please check it out and pray on what you might want to contribute to and participate in.
Also, if you believe we have missed anything, please don’t hesitate to reach out and let us know. There was a LOT of information and we ask for your grace and patience.
As you know, I will be leaving on Sabbatical Renewal Leave from May 1 – August 27th. I hope and pray by the time I get back that many items on the document will be moved on! This is a great opportunity for the congregation to come together and do some great things as we reach out to our church members and to our community.
Worship Sunday
This Sunday we continue in the season of Easter looking at the wonderful story of the Risen Christ’s appearances to the Disciples and to “Doubting Thomas.” There is a lot to hear in these passages and I hope you take a few moments to read and reflect on John 20:19-31! God’s blessing and peace be with you and looking forward to worshiping with you on Sunday!
Peace in Christ,