MCCC Weekly Updates & Events – May 21, 2023
I hope you will all be joining us tomorrow, May 21st, for worship. We will be blessed to have Aspen Baynes as our guest speaker tomorrow, and we are looking forward to hearing her sermon from a “younger person’s” point of view! Joining Aspen will be Steve Hurd as our Worship Leader, Sandi Kossick and Beth Schabel who will lead us through Communion, and Jan Green who will be providing us with her beautiful organ music selections for the entire service! (Sarah is on vacation) Additionally . . . our “Special Music” segment will begin with Rick Painley enlightening us with a little information about the composer of a pre-selected hymn – one of the many that the congregation selected as their favorite. This will be a NEW experience because YOU, THE CONGREGATION, will be lending your voices for this special selection! We hope you will join us by lifting your voices up to the heavens! (We also welcome your feedback!)
A few reminders . . .
1) The 4C’s are in need of plastic grocery bags or large paper bags. If you have spares at home you would like to donate, please bring them to church and either give them to Roger Hurd, or place them in the inside or outside bins at your convenience.
2) The sign-up deadline for Kathleen Lewarchick’s “Center Prayer” event (on June 3rd at 9am) is Wednesday, May 24th. RSVP to before the 24th.
3) Loaves and Fishes Free Community Meal is this Thursday, May 25th from 5-6:30. We are asking for donations of desserts.
If anyone can help us out, please contact Sandi Kossick either tomorrow at church, via cell phone, (330) 607-7003, or email at Thank you in advance for helping us keep a free dinner available at MCCC! Donations are gratefully accepted, but not necessary.
4) NEXT Sunday, May 28th, is the “4th for the 4C’s”. Items needed this month are Coffee – instant or regular and in “regular size containers”, Noodles, and Paper Towels. No donation is too small when combined with others!
5) NEXT Sunday, May 28th, is Pentecost! WEAR SOMETHING RED if able!
6) HOT OFF THE PRESS! The next Free Clothing Giveaway is Saturday, June 10th. They are in need of new packages of diapers in sizes 4, 5, & 6. If you are able to help with donations, please place them in the outside or inside bins at MCCC before June 9th. They are most grateful for any donations you can help with!
I hope this coming week finds you “Filled to the Brim” with as much joy, thankfulness, and happiness as your heart can hold!
See you tomorrow!