MCCC – Message from Pastor Chad – Stewardship Campaign & Neighborhood Bridges Launch

I hope you are having a wonderful week and staying open to all the ways God is reaching out to you! We have been blessed by the beautiful leaves and even a little sunshine here and there.
MCCC Stewardship
This Sunday begins our annual Stewardship Campaign when we all take time to consider what kind of time, talent, and treasure commitment we want to make for the next year. Christin and I give online and treasure the opportunity to be a part of the work of our church with our money, our time, and resources. It gives us joy to support our mission as a congregation as a community and to be a part of the change we want to see in the world!
This year our campaign is Faithful, Hopeful, and Loving and begins with a passage in Philippians 2. We will be hearing from our Stewardship and Finance team and will be invited to consider what commitment we would like to make by the end of the month. Thank you for your love, presence, and gifts that you offer to MCCC to keep the mission going.
Neighborhood Bridges
This week I want to share with you about a new initiative in our community of which I hope you will join me in supporting—neighborhood bridges crestwood. This program’s goal is to connect people in our community through generosity and kindness. We are helping many children and families through our ministry at the church and this will only help to enhance it. This is not a “church program” sponsored by MCCC, but it is one that we hope our church will participate in with gusto!
Neighborhood Bridges is an organization that gives people a direct avenue to address needs in their community. They have created a system that facilitates this through their website.
Here’s how it works:
Say a school counselor discovers that a 5th grade girl needs a pair of shoes. They investigate and find out that the family is in dire straits and really can’t afford it. The counselor will then post that need through the neighborhood bridges website and it will get spread through the community via social media and email (keeping the person need anonymous of course!).
At that point all sorts of people will be able to click the link and say they are willing to fill that need. First come, first serve. The person buying the shoes will drop them off at the Mantua fire station and neighborhood bridges takes care of the rest through our Area Directors (Liz Meeker, Rebecca Goodell, and I).
We really need people to sign-up on the website so they can get notifications about the needs. Will you be willing to sign-up? Go to:
Check out the program and let me know if you have any questions!
God’s grace and peace be with you and looking forward to seeing you Sunday!