KWM “Adopt a Kid” 2024-25 Fundraiser

I have some good news to share! First of all, this is the start of our 10th year of Kids Meals. I really have a hard time imagining that 10 years has gone by already! I am constantly amazed by how far we have come and how big the program has gotten. When we started, in October of 2015, we had 28 families and 80 kids; in 2024, at our peak this year, we had 85 families and 205 kids. And, we find so many people involved with us. For example, we have:
- A Bread Brigade lead by Marcia Page, 20 bread people
- We have people who lay out and count the food lead by Katie Baird, probably 5 or 6 ladies
- We have 6 to 8 people who load the bags lead by Nora Brant
- We have Dale and Cathy Ausperk who label all the bags, complete with food allergy information
- We now have 9 drivers and 3 backup drivers
- We have people who have big trucks and pick up large amounts of food (Pete Pruszynski, Mary Ellen Derthick and Travis Brant)
- And we have Nora Brant! She is our food guru; and we couldn’t do without her. She plans the meals, lays out a lot of the food and makes sure that we don’t waste a thing.
Paul and I shop, schedule volunteers, and plan fundraisers; complete with printing documentation. And anything else that needs to be done. I hope I didn’t forget anyone but as you can see, we are very blessed.
Now, to help keep us growing and able to supply food to kids, we are about to start our “Adopt a Kid” fundraiser. The idea is to theoretically adopt a kid to sponsor food for a child for the period of 3 months, 6 months, or a year. We are anticipating about 225 kids for 2024-2025. Please know that no child is lost in a transfer; so no panic there! Below is the flyer you will be getting on Sunday, September 1st but I wanted to give you a heads up now. The flyer has all the information you will need. If you want to use the “give online” button, just click on Adopt a Kid. This flyer will be posted in the community, on our web page and on Facebook.
The adoption fees are as follows:
- 1 child for 3 months: $40
- 1 child for 6 months: $76
- 1 child for a year: $148
You can give online on the giving site on the MCCC webpage or write a check payable to KWM and mail to:
Mantua Center Christian Church
Attn: Liz Meeker
4118 St Rt 82
PO 550 Mantua, OH 44255
Many thanks to all of you for supporting our kids for the last 10 years.
Liz Meeker