Feb 18 – MCCC Worship, Zoom Links, WoC, Tues Book Study, Wed Worship, Meet with Chad

Church Family,
Welcome to the season of Lent. Last night we had our Ash Wednesday Windows/YouTube Live service and I’m so grateful for all those who joined us at the windows or online. If you would like to view the service it is available on our YouTube channel or https://mantuacentercc.org/sermons/joint-ash-wednesday-service-2021-hiram-hilltop-mccc/
At the service we distributed a burlap cross, a purple candle, and a lenten devotional (if desired). If you were unable to be at the Windows, but would like these please contact Rick Painley (via phone or [email protected]). Big THANK YOU to Rick for preparing the burlap crosses as well.
Board Meeting
Our MCCC Board Meeting is this Sunday at 12:00pm. If you want to hear what is happening in the life of the church or seeking information all are welcome to join us. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3887011421?pwd=THN5TFhyR2ZrNWxXM2RudGtka05Ldz09
MCCC Worship and Fellowship Zoom Info
This Sunday is the first Sunday in Lent and we will explore the topic of Compassion via the story of the Good Samaritan. How does compassion make a deep impact in the world? When the YouTube link becomes available, we will send it out with the bulletin. Here is the Zoom link for our Worship and Fellowship hours. You can join anytime!
Meeting ID: 388 701 1421
Passcode: 1111
Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
Week of Compassion
Thank you to all who have given to the Week of Compassion! These last few days are when we are celebrating the official offering, but you can give regularly to the Week of Compassion at www.weekofcompassion.org.
Tuesday Book Study – Julian of Norwich
This coming Tuesday begins our study on Julian of Norwich. The study will be 7-8pm on Zoom and all are welcome. If you are participating in the study please let me know so I can send out information to you.
Wednesday Window and YouTube Live Worship
During the season of Lent, each Wednesday (except Holy Week) we will have Wednesday worship from 6:30-7:00 at the Windows. This will be a service of music, silence, prayer, and communion. Please bring your own communion.
Get Centered Wheel and/or Meeting with Chad
Below is my invitation to you for a reflective conversation on your faith journey. Please read it and see if it might be of interest to you. I would welcome some time to connect with you in this way.
Here also is a link by which you can set a time to meet with me. If you are interested in a walk or Zoom call, let me know. I have set time in my schedule for meeting with congregation members about life, church, or whatever business you would like to address. Please go here: https://calendly.com/revchaddelaney/meeting and set a time with me to meet via Google Meeting. (you don’t need special software to use this meeting…you just have to click on it.) Please reach out to me if you want some time to chat.
Peace in Christ,