Tuesday Night 7-8pm – Julian of Norwich Study

(for book study participants)
Greetings all,
For those joining us for the book study, this is your friendly reminder that we will meet tomorrow night (Tuesday night) to reflect together on the second chapter entitled: “Goodness, Joy, Awe.”
Remember to bring:
- A quote you liked from the reading
- a question to pose to the group. We won’t get to everyone’s but it is a good exercise regardless and keeps the discussion going… although we shouldn’t have a problem with that with this group! 🙂
I’ll open the Zoom room around 6:45p for hanging out, we’ll begin at 7pm and end as close to 8pm as we can. If folks want to stick around for further conversation (which was great last week!) we’ll keep that room open to 8:30p.
Here’s the link to the 4-min documentary about Julian of Norwich we watched last week: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZheba5hjdU
I also wanted to share with you a website Rick Painley found and passed on to me. This link will take you to a chart on Matthew Fox’s website which articulates the paradigm shifts between “Creation Spirituality” and “Fall/Redemption” — fascinating to read through: https://www.matthewfox.org/what-is-creation-spirituality
Meeting ID: 853 9714 2753
Passcode: 1111
Please let me know if you have questions or have any trouble with the Zoom link! Looking forward to tomorrow night!